[dbohdan] 2017-08-23: `now` is a tiny little date and time calculator utility for the command line. It leverages Tcl's `[clock add]` for date arithmetic. ** Code ** ====== #! /usr/bin/env tclsh # now v0.1.0 copyright (c) 2017 dbohdan. License: MIT. package require Tcl 8.5 set formatOpts {} while {[lindex $argv 0] in {-format -gmt -locale -timezone}} { set argv [lassign $argv k v] lappend formatOpts $k $v } puts [clock format [clock add [clock seconds] {*}$argv] {*}$formatOpts] ====== ** Use examples ** ======none $ now Wed Aug 23 19:46:15 DST 2017 $ now -3491 days Fri Feb 01 19:46:37 STD 2008 $ now -timezone :UTC -9 years -6 months -22 days +5 hours 5 minutes Fri Feb 01 22:54:59 UTC 2008 ====== <>Application | Date and Time