ntk scrollbar command implemented as ::itcl::extendedclass ::ntk::classes::scrollbar Syntax: : '''ntk scrollbar''' ''windowPathName'' ?''options''? Options: * '''-orient''': orientation of the scrollbar (default: '''vertical''') * '''-command''': command callback (default: {}) * '''-scrollbarwidth''': width of the scrollbar (default: '''20''') * '''-slidercolor''': color of the slider as rgbaList (default: '''127 127 150 255''') MethodVariables: * '''buttonAfterId''' default: {} * '''clickX''' default: '''0''' * '''clickY''' default: '''0''' * '''dragging''' default: '''0''' * '''buttonTimerId''' default: {} * '''buttonIdleId''' default: {} * '''scaleIdleId''' default: {} * '''scale''' default: '''0.0 1.0''' * '''scaleOffset''' default: '''0''' * '''scaleXDelta''' default: '''0''' * '''scaleYDelta''' default: '''0''' * '''x1''' default: '''0''' * '''x2''' default: '''0''' * '''y1''' default: '''0''' * '''y2''' default: '''0''' Public commands: * '''setView''' ''rstart rend'' Inheritance: * theme <> Command | GUI | Graphics