This code borrows heavily from the OAuth domain code for wub by [andrewshadoura]. I turned it into a Tcl module for just the client side of OAuth authentication. Put this code in a file called and place it somewhere on the module path of your Tcl installation: ====== namespace eval oauth { package require sha1 package require base64 variable secret "" tagstr set tagstr 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ namespace ensemble create -subcommands {secret auth} } proc oauth::secret {str} { variable secret $str } proc oauth::random {max} { return [expr {entier(rand() * $max)}] } proc oauth::tag {len {pfx ""} {str ""}} { variable tagstr if {$str eq ""} {set str $tagstr} for {set max [string length $str]} {$len > 0} {incr len -1} { append pfx [string index $str [random $max]] } return $pfx } proc oauth::escape {str} { set map {} foreach c [lsort -unique [regexp -all -inline {[^a-zA-Z0-9._~-]} $str]] { lappend map $c [format %%%02X [scan $c %c]] } return [string map $map $str] } proc oauth::encode {args} { if {[llength $args] == 1} { set args [lindex $args 0] } set pairs {} foreach {n v} $args { lappend pairs [escape $n]=[escape $v] } return [join $pairs &] } proc oauth::sign {method req provider {tokensecret {}}} { variable secret # normalize request parameters dict unset req oauth_signature foreach key [lsort [dict keys $req]] { lappend sorted $key [dict get $req $key] } set query [escape [encode $sorted]] lappend secrets [escape $secret] lappend secrets [escape $tokensecret] set secrets [join $secrets &] set url [escape $provider] set hmac [::sha1::hmac -bin $secrets "$method&$url&$query"] return [base64::encode $hmac] } proc oauth::auth {method url req {secret ""}} { dict set req oauth_signature_method HMAC-SHA1 dict set req oauth_version 1.0 dict set req oauth_nonce [tag 40] dict set req oauth_timestamp [clock seconds] dict set req oauth_signature [sign $method $req $url $secret] dict for {key val} $req { lappend list [escape $key]="[escape $val]" } return "OAuth [join $list {, }]" } ====== See [Twitter] for a usage example. <> Internet