====== #ofx2csv.tcl # -*- tcl -*- # The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \ exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"} # This program will process a OFX 1.x file that can typically be # obtained from a bank or credit card. # The object of the exercise is to produce a CSV type file from # the transactions contained in the OFX file. # I have modeled the output to be something like I get from # processing a QIF file from Quicken. ie I have fields # Date Amount Tranid Source Memo Status Category # The first five fields can be generally be extracted from the # OFX file. Note that the Memo field might be empty or contain # overfill from the source field or some actual info. # I always use an "X" for the status to indicate a cleared # transaction. # The bank/credit card cannot assign a category so the user # has to supply this field. Note that the code always uses # "UNKNOWN" as the initial contents of this field. # I use the "Category" field as a foreign key when I insert the # CSV field into my Postgresql Database so it is important that # the value actually matches an element in the appropriate table. # To prevent mistakes I have placed all of the choices for the # category field into a listbox. # The basic strategy is that the user will double click one of the UNKNOWN # fields to select it and then double click the appropriate category # to use from the listbox of choices. This will cause the UNKNOWN # value to be replaced with the users choice of category. # After editing the CSV file the user can then save the file and # later import the CSV file into their favorite database. # Enjoy! # Author: Jerry LeVan # Env: Recent TCL/TK # Date: Feb 18, 2006 # Version: 0.7 # Version: 0.8 Feb 2, 2007 # This is free ware use as you like (but keep my name...) # Possible transaction tags # Value = Enum [CREDIT | DEBIT | INT | DIV | FEE | SRVCHG | DEP #| ATM | POS | XFER | CHECK | PAYMENT | CASH | DIRECTDEP | DIRECTDEBIT | REPEATPMT | OTHER] package require Tk package require Tktable set version 0.8 set sep | # items cannot contain white space, hence the quotes set menuitems { Auto Auto:Fuel Auto:Service "Bank Charges" Charity "Check Deposit" "[Checking Bank One]" Clothing Computer "Credit Card" "Customer Deposit" Dining Education Entertainment Gifts Groceries "Home Repair" "Home Repair:Yard Work" Household Insurance:Auto Insurance:Home "Interest Earned" "Interest Paid" [MasterCard-Marijo] Medical Miscellaneous "Mortgage Int" Pension Recreation Salary "[Savings at Bank One]" Taxes Taxes:Federal Taxes:Other Taxes:Property Taxes:State Telephone Travel Utilities "Utilities:Cable TV" "Utilities:Gas & Electric" Utilities:Water "[Visa - Jerry]" } # Change values to be more in line with Quicken proc cleanUp { key value } { set thevalue $value if { $key eq "DTPOSTED" } { # fiddle with the date set myDate [string range $value 0 7] set thevalue "" append thevalue [string range $myDate 0 3] - [string range $myDate 4 5] - [string range $myDate 6 7] } if {$key eq "TRNTYPE" && $value eq "CREDIT" } {set thevalue "DEP"} if {$key eq "TRNTYPE" && $value eq "DEBIT" } { set thevalue "WITHD"} if {$key eq "TRNAMT" } { set thevalue [format "%.2f" $value]} return $thevalue } # Generate and process one complete transaction proc processOne { trans row} { global output sep table_data array set items { date "" amount "" tranid "" source "" memo "NONE" status "X" category "UNKNOWN" } set items(row) [expr {$row + 1 }] foreach obj $trans { #puts $obj regexp {.*<(.*)>(.*)\}*} $obj all key value set value [string trim $value] set value [cleanUp $key $value] switch -exact -- $key { TRNTYPE { set items(tranid) $value } DTPOSTED { set items(date) $value } TRNAMT { set items(amount) $value } NAME { set items(source) $value } MEMO { set items(memo) $value } CHECKNUM { set items(tranid) $value} } } set col -1 foreach var {row date amount tranid source memo status category} { set table_data($row,$col) $items($var) incr col } } # Split the list of tranactions and process each one proc analyzeOneThing { transaction row } { # split on new line set tranlist [split $transaction \n ] # pitch clutter of first tag, last tag set tranlist [lrange $tranlist 1 end-1] foreach item [list $tranlist] { processOne $item $row } } # Get the OFX file to process. proc openFile {} { set fileName [tk_getOpenFile -parent .frm.t] if { $fileName != "" } { set f [open $fileName r] set theFile [ read $f ] close $f return [list $fileName $theFile] } return "" } # Save the contents of the Text Widget to a file. proc saveFile {} { global table_data sep set fname [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir "~" \ -defaultextension ".csv"] if { $fname != "" } { if { [ catch { set f [open $fname "w"] set rows [.frm.t cget -rows] set cols [.frm.t cget -cols] #puts "$rows $cols" incr rows -2 incr cols -2 for {set j 0} {$j<=$rows} {incr j} { set line "" for { set i 0 } {$i <=$cols } { incr i } { if { $i==$cols } { append line $table_data($j,$i) } else { append line $table_data($j,$i) $sep } } puts $f $line } close $f tk_messageBox -message "Write Completed Ok." -icon info } result] } { tk_messageBox -message "File Save of $fname failed. Reason : $result" -type ok } } } # Get the file to process, extract the transactions and process each one... proc processFile {} { global table_data set tmp [openFile] if { $tmp == "" } { exit } set f [lindex $tmp 0] set theFile [lindex $tmp 1] focus -force .frm.t # Empty the text widget #.frm.t delete 1.0 end # # Break out the list of transactions... # set items [regexp -all -inline {.*?} $theFile] if { $items == "" } { tk_messageBox -message "No Transactions Found in $f" -type ok -icon info } set rowCnt [llength $items] .frm.t configure -rows [incr rowCnt] array set table_data { -1 date -1 amount -1 tranid -1 source -1 memo -1 status -1 category } set row 0 foreach chunk $items { analyzeOneThing $chunk $row incr row } } proc make_table { parent } { global table_data global menuitems global colHeaders table $parent.t \ -variable table_data \ -yscrollcommand "$parent.sy set" \ -xscrollcommand "$parent.sx set" \ -titlerows 1 \ -titlecols 1 \ -roworigin -1 \ -colorigin -1 \ -colstretchmode last \ -invertselected 0 \ -selectmode browse \ -selecttype cell \ -padx 4 \ -coltagcommand colproc \ -autoclear 1 \ -cols 8 -rows 10 $parent.t config -bg white scrollbar $parent.sx -orient horizontal -command [list $parent.t xview] scrollbar $parent.sy -command " $parent.t yview" set colnum 0 foreach header $colHeaders { set table_data(-1,$colnum) $header incr colnum } $parent.t tag config title -bg lightblue $parent.t tag config title -fg black $parent.t tag configure sel -bg blue $parent.t tag configure sel -fg red $parent.t tag config anchorcenter -anchor c $parent.t tag config anchorwest -anchor w $parent.t tag config anchoreast -anchor e $parent.t tag col anchoreast -1 $parent.t tag row anchorcenter -1 $parent.t width -1 5 # build a popup menu... menu $parent.t.menu -tearoff 0 set cnt 0 foreach thing $menuitems { incr cnt if { $cnt == 20 } { set brk 1 ; set cnt 0 } else { set brk 0 } $parent.t.menu add command -columnbreak $brk -label "$thing" \ -command [list setItem $thing ] } return $parent.t } proc setItem newString { global lastx lasty .frm.t set [.frm.t index @$lastx,$lasty] $newString } proc colproc {col} { if {$col ==-1 || $col ==1 } { return anchoreast } else { return anchorwest } } # Build the text widget for displaying the results as a CSV file proc BuildGui {} { global menuitems categoryCol lastx lasty version # Create a "menu bar" menu .menubar # make it the menu for the application window . config -menu .menubar # create the File menu menu .menubar.file -tearoff 0 # add this menu to the menubar .menubar add cascade -label "File" -menu .menubar.file # add the menu items with actions # add a scripts menu menu .menubar.replace -tearoff 0 .menubar add cascade -label "Category Choices" -underline 0 -menu .menubar.replace # build a table object and position it in the frame set f [ frame .frm ] set theTable [make_table $f] pack $f -fill both -expand yes pack .frm.sx -side bottom -fill x pack .frm.sy -side right -fill y pack $theTable -side top -fill both -expand yes # populate the menus .menubar.replace add command -label "Replace With..." -command showReplaceInfo .menubar.file add command -label "Open OFX File..." -command processFile .menubar.file add command -label "Save As..." -command saveFile .menubar.file add command -label "Quit" -command exit #Support the MouseWheel bind .frm.t { .frm.t yview scroll -5 units } bind .frm.t { .frm.t yview scroll +5 units } bind .frm.t { if { %D < 0} { .frm.t yview scroll +5 units } else { .frm.t yview scroll -5 units } } # bind the popup menu bind .frm.t { if { [ .frm.t index @%x,%y col ] != $categoryCol } return set lastx %x set lasty %y tk_popup .frm.t.menu %X %Y #puts "x=%x, y=%y\nX=%X, Y=%Y\n cell: [.frm.t get @%x,%y]\n @%x,%y\n" #puts "row: [.frm.t index @%x,%y]\n" } wm title . "Ofx2Csv $version" } # Action routine to replace field in Text Widjet with selected # field in the list box. proc changeItem {theTable } { global table_data # Get the selected item set tabIndex [$theTable curselection] if { $tabIndex == ""} { tk_messageBox -title OFX2CSV \ -message "No Replacement Selected." \ -type ok \ -icon error return } set theItem [$theTable get $tabIndex] set theCell [.frm.t tag cell sel ] if {$theCell ne ""} { set table_data($theCell) $theItem focus -force .frm.t } else { tk_messageBox -title OFX2CSV \ -message "Nothing Selected in CSV File" \ -type ok -icon error } } # Build and display the list box which contains all of # the foreign keys. # Not really needed anymore... proc showReplaceInfo {} { global menuitems destroy .showList toplevel .showList listbox .showList.choices -width 30 -height 10 \ -borderwidth 3 \ -exportselection 0 \ -relief groove \ -yscrollcommand {.showList.sy set } scrollbar .showList.sy -command [list .showList.choices yview] frame .showList.bframe pack .showList.bframe -side bottom button .showList.bframe.showtab -text "Edit Item" \ -command [list changeItem .showList.choices ] button .showList.bframe.exit -text "Exit Edit Selection" -command {destroy .showList } pack .showList.bframe.showtab -side left pack .showList.bframe.exit -side left pack .showList.choices -side left -expand true -fill both -padx 4 -pady 4 pack .showList.sy -side right -fill y -padx 4 bind .showList.choices [list changeItem .showList.choices ] # load the listbox foreach item $menuitems { .showList.choices insert end $item } } #### Start Here #### # table headers set colHeaders { date amount tranid source memo status category } # This is the column we have to be careful about # and which the popup menu operates. set categoryCol 6 # lastx and lasty will be the coordinates of the button click # that summons the popup menu. set lastx 0 set lasty 0 # Set up the interface BuildGui ====== <>Category Business