Command used to change the definition of instance objects in [TclOO]. Added in Tcl 8.6 <
> : '''oo::objdefine''' ''object definitionScript'' : '''oo::objdefine''' ''object arg arg'' ?''arg ...''? If given as a sequence of ''arg''s, the ''definitionScript'' is created by making a [list] of those arguments and evaluating that as if it was given as a ''definitionScript''. Supported definitions for use in the ''definitionScript'' are: : '''class''' ''className'' : '''deletemethod''' ''name'' ?''name ...''? : '''export''' ''name'' ?''name ...''? : '''filter''' ?''methodName ...''? : '''forward''' ''name cmdName'' ?''arg ...''? : '''method''' ''name argList bodyScript'' : '''mixin''' ?''className ...''? : '''renamemethod''' ''fromName toName'' : '''unexport''' ''name'' ?''name ...''? : '''variable''' ?''name ...''? <> Command | Object Orientation