---- Examples of open include: set fd1 [open "simpleinput" "r"] ;# Read the input file set fd2 [open "reldirect/simpleoutput" "w"] ;# Write the output set fd3 [open "/full/path/file" "r+"] ;# Read and write file set fd4 [open "/tmp/output" "wb"] ;# Windows only: don't do newline translation set fd5 [open "|simple1" "r"] ;# Read the stdout of simple1 as fd5 set fd6 [open "|simple2" "w"] ;# Writes to fd6 are read by simple2 on its stdin set fd7 [open "|simple1 |& cat" "r"] ;# Results in stdout AND stderr being readable via fd7 Are there other examples? [BR] - Access mode "wb" doesn't work with any version of Tcl with which I tried it. It isn't really needed either as we have [fconfigure] for that. ---- One nice feature of Tcl is that one can not only open files, but at least on Unix and Windows, one can also open [pipeline]s to other processes. ---- (does "pipeline" mean "I can write to this and the other process will read it", or does it also mean "I can read from this what the other process writes" ?) Both. The [exec] and open commands make a remarkable pair. No other common language has anything approaching their portability, maturity, and applicability. ---- [Arjen Markus] I have experimented a bit with plain Tcl driving another program. As this needs to work on Windows 95 (NT, ...) as well as UNIX in four or five flavours, I wanted to use plain Tcl, not Expect (however much I would appreciate the chance to do something really useful with Expect - apart from [Android] :-). I think it is worth a page of its own, but here is a summary: * Open the pipeline and make sure buffering is minimal via set inout [open "|myprog" "r+"] fconfigure $inout -buffering line Buffering might be out of your hands, though, for "real 16-bit commandline applications", which apparently don't have the ability to flush (reliably) except on close. * Set up [fileevent] handlers for reading from the process and reading from stdin. * Make sure the process ("myprog" above) does not buffer its output to stdout! ---- [Neil Madden] - here is a real-life example of interacting with a program through a pipe. The program in question is ''ispell'' - a UNIX spell-checking utility. I use it to spell-check the contents of a text widget containing [LaTeX] markup. There are a number of issues to deal with: * Keeping track of the position of the word in the widget. * Filtering out useless (blank) lines from ispell * Filtering out the version info that my version of ispell dumps out. * When passing in a word which is a TeX command (e.g. \maketitle), ispell returns nothing at all. * Careful handling of blocking. The example does not use [fileevent], as this would complicate this particular example. The options passed to ispell are -a (which makes it non-interactive) and -t (which makes it recognize TeX input). set contents [split [$text get 1.0 end] \n] set pipe [open "|ispell -a -t" r+] fconfigure $pipe -blocking 0 -buffering line set ver [gets $pipe] ;# Ignore the initial version line set linenum 1 foreach line $contents { set wordnum 1 foreach word [split $line] { puts $pipe $word ;# Feed word to ispell while {1} { set len [gets $pipe res] if {$len > 0} { # A valid result # do stuff break } else { if {[fblocked $pipe]} { # No output break } elseif {[eof $pipe]} { # Pipe closed catch {close $pipe} return } # A blank line - skip } } incr wordnum } incr linenum } Thanks to [Kevin Kenny] for helping me figure this out. ---- Note that specifying "a" for the open argument may '''NOT''' give you what you expect (a violation of Tcl's normal least surprise policy). The "a" has specialty code that does some sort of simulation of appen by seeking to the end of file. This results in behavior quite different than one gets when doing appends in other languages. So, instead of doing "a" or "a+, you should do set f [open $theLogFile {WRONLY CREAT APPEND}] ;# instead of "a" or set f [open $theLogFile {RDWR CREAT APPEND}] ;# instead of "a+" to get the standard behavior of other languages. Thanks to [dkf] for this tip. ---- See also [gets], [read], [file], [puts] . ---- [Tcl syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Command]