Version 3 of package BoF: PACKAGE ABOUT - metadata

Updated 2002-10-11 21:58:50

Problem: people want to know things about packages other than version and load script.

  • Who wrote this?
  • When was it released?
  • Where was it downloaded?
  • What variant is it? (or is this TIP 59? - AK yes)

Solution store/retrieve name-value pairs

  • [package about $package $version] - return the metadata names stored for $version of $package
  • [package about $package $version $name] - return the metadata value of $name for $version of $package
  • [package about $package $version $name $value] - set the $value of $name for $version of $package

Alternative name?: [package meta]

No required names; let conventions arise


How do package variants share a single metadata?

When does metadata need to be available? Only after loading a package? Or earlier?

If earlier, [package about] calls need to go in index scripts, and automatic indexers should be able to place them there.

Does this complement or compete with TIP 59? If compete, who wins?