Version 60 of package

Updated 2013-04-10 19:38:59 by pooryorick


This Tcl command is used for working with versioned libraries that provide functionality to Tcl and Tk. It is structured into subcommands.


package forget ?package package ...?
package ifneeded package version ?script?
package names
package present ?-exact? package ?version?
package provide package ?version?
package require ?-exact? package ?version?
package unknown ?command?
package vcompare version1 version2
package versions package
package vsatisfies version1 version2


man page

See Also

Magic names
User Guide
Developer Guide
Using Tk as a loadable package
Where does the package command find the packages it seeks?
package management
Tcl syntax


[Is there no succinct reference that explains the crucial role of pkgIndex.tcl?!? CL will return to this, if no one else does.]

DGP --- The man page for pkg_mkIndex, covers the basics in the HOW IT WORKS section.

[Good point.] It's crucial that package authors understand pkgIndex.tcl as a keyword in package preparation.

DGP --- For now, yes, but stay tuned for better ideas. We don't want to be chained to pkgIndex.tcl files forever.

See also pkg_mkIndex pitfalls.