This page describe what a paned window is, and where to find implementations. A paned window is two windows with a bar down the middle, where the bar has a handle for resizing the two windows. ---- Tcl/Tk 8.4 has a [panedwindow], and a [spinbox] as well as a [labelframe]. The panedwindow was the result of TIP 41 [] which proposed a built-in PanedWindow. [Ro]: I always find that I need some examples to get started with a widget. So here is a simple example that should get you started with the panedwindow from Tk 8.4 (be sure to check out the man page [] for details) package require Tk 8.4 panedwindow .pw -orient vertical label .pw.x1 -text Bapy -fg orange -bg black label .pw.x2 -text Mojo -fg white -bg red .pw add .pw.x1 -minsize 200 .pw add .pw.x2 -minsize 100 pack .pw -fill both -expand yes Maximize the window to see how you can alter the sizes of the panes, while respecting the minsize that was chosen by the config option -minsize . The widgets that you add to the panedwindow MUST be children of the panedwindow, in this case they must be .pw.something . On windows, mouse-button-1 resizes the panes once you let go of the sash, whereas mouse-button-2 resizes the panes as you move the sash. If you're looking for a good Tcl/Tk 8.4 implementation, be sure to check out [tclkit] and [starkit]. ---- [BWidgets] [] has a PanedWindow. [ClassyTk] [] has a Paned widget. [obTcl] [] has a paged window widget. [Jeffrey Hobbs]' widget package [] includes a pure-Tcl geometry-manager-like-thing that serves as a paned window. [Iwidgets] [] (based on itk) includes a panedwindow. [Tix] [] has a paned window. ---- [[Does [Perl/Tk] have a Pane widget?]]