''[JMeh] 03 Aug 2017'' - pdf4tcl::graph BLT/RBC commands for the pdf4tcl library - Rev. 1.0 from 02. Aug 2017 This is an output engine for "graph.tcl" to implement [BLT] (or [RBC]) commands of the graph object for generating PDF output using the "pdf4tcl" Package. It has no vector support (yet). For all possible graph options have a look at the original [BLT] documentation. You can download the libraries "graph" and "pdf4tcl::graph" from here:<
> http://sesam-gmbh.org/images/Downloads/public/pdf4tcl_graph.zip Noice: So far, "pdf4tcl" must be patched to support functions such as non-closed polygons and clipping. You can download a patched version from here (I hope the author of "pdf4tcl" incorporates this patch into his sources):<
> http://sesam-gmbh.org/images/Downloads/public/pdf4tcl091p1.tar.bz2 Here is an example showing the usage of this libs: ======tcl package require pdf4tcl::graph pdf4tcl::new mypdf -paper a4 -unit mm mypdf startPage mypdf setFont 4 Helvetica mypdf text "Hello World" -x 10 -y 10 graph::setup pdf4tcl mypdf set mydata {21 17 5 9 25.4} set g [graph::graph -title "Example"] $g axis create y3 -color blue $g element create line1 -label "Data" -ydata mydata -fill red $g grid configure -hide no $g axis configure x -min 0 -max 100 $g axis configure y -loose no -hide no -max 25 -title Alpha $g draw 15 15 $g destroy mypdf write -file graph.pdf mypdf destroy ====== And this is the output: [pdf4tcl_graph_example0.png%|% width= 622 height= 374] Included in the download file are two other examples: ======tcl package require pdf4tcl::graph pdf4tcl::new mypdf -paper a4 -unit mm mypdf startPage mypdf setFont 12 Courier graph::setup pdf4tcl mypdf set data1 {0 1.1 0.25 1.5 0.5 1.3 0.75 1.9 1 2.2} set data2 {0 2.1 0.25 1.7 0.5 0.7 0.75 0.9 1 1.8} set g [graph::graph -title Kurven] $g element create line1 -label "Data 1" -data data1 -fill green -dashes ".," $g element create line2 -label "Data 2" -data data2 -symbol square -fill red -smooth natural $g legend configure -position @5,-3 $g grid configure -hide no -minor off -dashes . $g axis configure x -rotate 45 -minorticks {0.25 0.5 0.75} $g axis configure y -loose no -majorticks {0.5 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 2.5} $g axis configure y2 -min 0 -max 1 $g marker create line -coords {0 1.25 1 1.25} -dashes "-" $g marker create text -coords {0.5 1.25} -anchor n -text "Lower Limit\ny = 1.25" $g marker create line -mapy y2 -coords {0.8 0 0.8 1} -dashes "-" $g marker create text -mapy y2 -coords {0.8 0.25} -anchor w -text "Max." -rotate 90 $g axis configure x -title "X-Axis" $g axis configure y -title "Y-Axis" $g legend configure -hide no -position plotarea -anchor nw $g draw 15 15 $g destroy set histidx {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 } set histval {0.5 3.3 12.3 28.2 39.6 34.2 18.2 5.9 1.2 0.1} set g [graph::graph -title Histogramm] $g element create hist1 -label "Distribution" -xdata $histidx -ydata $histval -type bar -fill blue $g grid configure -hide no -minor off -mapx {} $g draw 15 115 $g destroy mypdf write -file graph1.pdf mypdf destroy ====== [pdf4tcl_graph_example1.png%|% width= 623 height= 956] ======tcl package require pdf4tcl::graph pdf4tcl::new mypdf -paper a4 -unit mm mypdf startPage graph::setup pdf4tcl mypdf set data(1) {21 17 5 9 25.4} set data(2) {0.8 2.1 1.2 2.2 0.2} set data(3) {85 96 73 99 88} proc DrawGraph {} { set g [graph::graph -width 180] $g axis create y3 -color blue $g y2axis use {y3 y2} foreach {idx color axis} {1 green y 2 red y2 3 blue y3} { $g element create line$idx -label "Data $idx" -ydata data($idx) -fill $color -mapy $axis } $g grid configure -hide no $g axis configure x -min 0 -max 100 $g axis configure y -loose no -hide no -max 25 -title "Alpha" $g axis configure y2 -loose no -hide no -max 5 -title "Beta" $g axis configure y3 -loose no -hide no -title "Gamma" $g draw 15 15 $g destroy } DrawGraph mypdf write -file graph2.pdf mypdf destroy ====== [pdf4tcl_graph_example2.png%|% width= 861 height= 518] <>Package | PDF | Graphics | Plotting