Practcl is an alternative to critcl. Practcl is designed to be backfit into standard TEA extensions. Practcl generates blocks of C code and makefile snippets. How those bits fit into the final project are left to the developer. Implementation: The practcl system is shipped as a self contained Tcl script. The current version require Tcl8.6. It's inner workings require TclOO. Example project: The Odielib project uses pratcl. At the tail end of is the following snippet: ====== AC_SUBST(TEA_PLATFORM) AC_SUBST(TEA_WINDOWINGSYSTEM) AC_OUTPUT([Makefile pkgIndex.tcl project.rc]) ${TCLSH_PROG} ${srcdir}/library.ini ====== The TEA_PLATFORM and TEA_WINDOWINGSYSTEM are computed by the tcl.m4 script, but not normally exported. "project.rc" simply takes in all of the data that is normally substituted into the Makefile, but stores it in a Tcl friendly format. <>TEA| Critcl | Development