Version 10 of profiler

Updated 2013-12-25 06:37:44 by SEH


Profiling is, in a nutshell, assessing how quickly the various parts of your program run. Most often, you'll want your program to run fast, and using a profiler to find slow spots can help you decide what needs work. There is a simple profiler package included in tcllib:

Profiling Tcl has more on the subject.

Other profiling packages

etprof is a little profiler in pure-Tcl.

Mark Smith's profiler.tcl, [L1 ], is yet another pure-Tcl variation.

tprof : A profiler for TCL scripts. Allows creation of profiling data sets and later analysis through a graphical frontend.

Sage is a profiling tool for Tcl/Tk programs. It can collect and report data pertaining to where time is spent in your programs.