This is an implementation of the Google-protobuf protocol in pure Tcl. See; At the moment the code is distributed to 3 Files: pkgIndex.tcl, parse.tcl and wire.tcl. As you can see it is still at alpha-status, but I am still working at it and hope to improve it with your help. First "pkgIndex.tcl": ====== if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5-]} { return } # Tcl8.5 needed for 'dict' and 'expr' overflow behaviour. if {$::tcl_platform(wordSize) < 4} { # *** protobuf not-yet for (tcl_platform(wordSize) != 4) return } # ****************************************************************************** proc ::pkgLoadProtobuf {dir} { #package require fm::debug #if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5-]} { package require dict 8.5.3 } source -encoding utf-8 [file join $dir parse.tcl] #source -encoding utf-8 [file join $dir util.tcl] source -encoding utf-8 [file join $dir wire.tcl] #source -encoding utf-8 [file join $dir tests.tcl] set v 0.a1 namespace eval pb "variable pkg_version $v" package provide fm::protobuf $v ;# last modified 2010-01-28,Do rename ::pkgLoadProtobuf {} } # ############################################################################## package ifneeded fm::protobuf 0.a1 [list ::pkgLoadProtobuf $dir] # ############################################################################## ====== Here is "parse.tcl": ====== # ############################################################################## namespace eval pb { namespace export Init ParseProtofile ResolveNames SaveStubs namespace export read_* write_* variable import_path {} variable protoDict {} variable itp {} # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = variable all_messages {} variable curr {} variable curr_message {} variable curr_enum {} variable curr_enum_val -1 variable namesToResolve {} variable inflate 0 variable testing 1 variable readChanCmd [list ::read] variable readChanCmd [list ::pd::_readAndCheck] # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = ;# --- type==>wire_type variable predefinedTypes array set predefinedTypes { 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 bool 0 int32 0 sint32 0 uint32 0 int64 0 sint64 0 uint64 0 double 1 fixed64 1 sfixed64 1 bytes 2 string 2 sfixed32 5 fixed32 5 float 5 } # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = # "Language Guide": ...The complete list of available options is defined # in google/protobuf/descriptor.proto... #variable FieldOptions {ctype packed deprecated} #variable Options {default} # {java_package java_outer_classname optimize_for} # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = namespace eval itp {} namespace eval enum_itp {} namespace eval msg_itp {} namespace eval msg {} ;# for 'message' namespace eval tmp {} ;# for internal 'inflate' variables etc. # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = } # ****************************************************************************** #tputs "fm::startup=$fm::startup" # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::now {} { set s [clock seconds] set w [lindex {Sun Mon Tue Wen Thu Fri Sat} [clock format $s -format %w]] clock format $s -format "%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M,$w" } # ############################################################################## proc pb::Init {} { variable itp ::pb::itpF1 variable msg_itp ::pb::itpM1 variable enum_itp ::pb::itpE1 namespace eval ::pb::msg {} # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = interp create -safe $itp ;# --- fillCmdInterp # xxx 'service': see "Language Guide#Defining Services" # xxx (descriptor.proto): service, options, foreach i {// enum extend import message option package} { interp alias $itp $i {} ::pb::itp::$i } interp alias $itp unknown {} ::pb::itp::_unknown # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = interp create -safe $msg_itp # xxx (descriptor.proto): ExtensionRange, MessageOptions, foreach i {// enum extend extensions message} { interp alias $msg_itp $i {} ::pb::msg_itp::$i } foreach i {optional repeated required} { interp alias $msg_itp $i {} ::pb::msg_itp::_kind $i } interp alias $msg_itp pbOptionList {} ::pb::msg_itp::pbOptionList interp alias $msg_itp unknown {} ::pb::msg_itp::_unknown # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = interp create -safe $enum_itp interp alias $enum_itp unknown {} ::pb::enum_itp::_unknown # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::ParseProtofile {aProtoFile args} { foreach {opt val} $args { switch -- $opt { -import_path { variable import_path $opt } } } set pdct [_ParseProtofile $aProtoFile] # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = variable namesToResolve if {[llength $namesToResolve]} { ResolveNames } # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = foreach ns [dict keys [dict get $pdct message]] { if {$ns eq "::pb::msg"} continue set ${ns}::msg0 [create_msg0 $ns] } } # ****************************************************************************** # xxx ein 'dict' returnieren, das die toplevel-Objekte beschreibt. proc pb::_ParseProtofile {aProtoFile} { variable protoDict set protoDict0 $protoDict set protoDict [dict create] dict set protoDict message ::pb::msg {} ::pb::curr_message set ::pb::msg variable itp # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = #interp invokehidden $itp source $aProtoFile set fid [open $aProtoFile r] fconfigure $fid -encoding utf-8 set x [read $fid] close $fid set x [RemoveC++Comments $x] # -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - # Here the syntax will be made as Tcl-compatible as possible. # # We have to cope with syntax like the following: # # optional string field1 = 1 [ctype=CORD, # (field_opt1)=8765432109]; # optional string field2 = 2[default="hello",(field_opt2)=8765432109]; # # Note: the square-brackets cross multiple lines without backslashes! # -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - # --- protect '=', ',', etc. inside of strings # xxx Das reicht wenn z.B. mehr als '$' im String steht! => while-Schleife! regsub -all -line -- {(\".*?)=(.*?\")} $x {\1__pb_eq__\2} x regsub -all -line -- {(\".*?),(.*?\")} $x {\1__pb_comma__\2} x regsub -all -line -- {(\".*?)\[(.*?\")} $x {\1__pb_brac0__\2} x regsub -all -line -- {(\".*?)\](.*?\")} $x {\1__pb_brac1__\2} x regsub -all -line -- {(\".*?)\$(.*?\")} $x {\1__pb_dollar__\2} x # --- add syntactic spaces and remove protection set x [string map [list \ = " = " \ , " , " \ \{ " \{" \ \} "\} " \ \[ " \[pbOptionList \{" \ \] "\}\] " \ __pb_eq__ = \ __pb_comma__ , \ __pb_brac0__ "\\\[" \ __pb_brac1__ "\\\]" \ __pb_dollar__ "\\\$" \ ] $x] # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = #tputs "[string repeat * 77]\n$x\n[string repeat * 77]" $itp eval $x # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = #prALL set protoDict1 $protoDict set protoDict [dict merge $protoDict0 $protoDict1] set protoDict1 } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::ResolveNames {} { variable namesToResolve foreach {m nm val} $namesToResolve { upvar #0 ${m}::fields fields set type [dict get $fields v2d $val type] switch [resolveNm $m $type path nm1] { isEnum { #! isEnum m type nm val path dict set fields v2d $val wt 0 dict set fields v2d $val type [list Enum $path $nm1] # Das Ersetzen der Default-Werte sollte ich gar nicht machen! # if {[dict exists $fields v2d $val default]} { # set key [dict get $fields v2d $val default] # set x [dict get [set $path] $nm1 k2v $key] ;#! key ==> x # dict set fields v2d $val default $x # } } isMsg { #! isMsg m type nm val path dict set fields v2d $val wt 2 dict set fields v2d $val type [list Msg $path] } isUnknown { dict set fields v2d $val wt 2 ;#! xxx isUnknown m type nm val } } } set namesToResolve {} } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::create_msg0 {ns} { upvar #0 ${ns}::fields fields set x [dict create] #! ns fields dict for {key val} [dict get $fields k2v] { switch [dict get $fields v2d $val kind] { optional { if {[dict exists $fields v2d $val default]} { dict set x $key [dict get $fields v2d $val default] } } repeated { } required { } } } set x } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::SaveStubs {protoDict aStubsFile {pkg {}}} { ;#! aStubsFile set fid [open $aStubsFile w] if {$pkg eq {}} { # xxx pkg aus dem protoDict lesen! set pkg " [file rootname [file tail $aStubsFile]] 0.1" } variable pkg_version puts $fid "package provide $pkg" puts $fid "# [string repeat # 77]" puts $fid "# Generated by 'package protobuf $pkg_version;# SaveStubs' ([now])" puts $fid "# [string repeat # 77]" puts $fid "package require fm::protobuf" #fconfigure $fid -encoding utf-8 tputs " # keys [dict keys [dict get $protoDict message]]" foreach {nm} [lsort -dictionary [dict keys [dict get $protoDict message]]] { puts $fid "namespace eval $nm \{" #puts $fid " # [info vars ${nm}::*]" #puts $fid " # [info commands ${nm}::*]" foreach vnm [lsort -dictionary [info vars ${nm}::*]] { upvar $vnm var if {![info exists var]} continue set tail [namespace tail $vnm] if {$tail eq "enums" && ![llength $var]} continue if {$tail ni {enums fields extensions}} continue puts $fid " set $tail [list $var]" } if {$nm eq "::pb::msg"} { puts $fid "\}" ;# (namespace) continue } puts $fid " set msg0 [list [create_msg0 $nm]]" puts $fid "\}" ;# (namespace) } close $fid } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::prALL {} { variable all_messages tputs "# [string repeat * 77]" tputs "messages:" foreach i [lsort -dictionary $all_messages] { tputs " ${i}::enums = {[set ${i}::enums]}" tputs " ${i}::fields = {[set ${i}::fields]}" } } # ****************************************************************************** ;# See 'Language Guide#Packages and Name Resolution': ;# Type name resolution in the protocol buffer language works like C++: ;# first the innermost scope is searched, then the nextinnermost, ;# and so on, with each package considered to be "inner" to its parent ;# package. ;# A leading '.', for example '', means to start from the ;# outermost scope instead. [fm: Example(1)] ;# The protocol buffer compiler resolves all type names by parsing the ;# imported .proto files. The code generator for each language knows how ;# to refer to each type in that language, even if it has different ;# scoping rules. ;# ;# Example(2): ;# message m1 { enum e1 { a=0; b=1; } } ;# message m2 { ;# optional m1.e1 f2=b; [default = a]; ;# } ;# => aNS="m2" aNm="m1.e1" ;# proc pb::resolveNm {aNS aNm aPath aNm1} { upvar 1 $aPath p $aNm1 nm1 set nm [split $aNm .] set nm0 [lrange $nm 0 end-1] set nm1 [lindex $nm end] # --- absolute-qualified name if {[string index $aNm 0] eq "."} { set msg [join [concat ::pb::msg $nm] ::] if {[namespace exists $msg]} { set p $msg; return isMsg } set d [join [concat ::pb::msg $nm0 enums] ::] if {[dictAndValExist $d $nm1]} { set p $d; return isEnum } return 0 } # --- relative-qualified name set ns [string map {:: { }} $aNS] for {set i [llength $ns]} {$i >= 2} {incr i -1} { set nsi [lrange $ns 0 $i-1] set msg ::[join [concat $nsi $nm] ::] #! i nsi aNm msg [namespace exists $msg] if {[namespace exists $msg]} { set p $msg; return isMsg } set d ::[join [concat $nsi $nm0 enums] ::] #! i nsi aNm d nm1 if {[dictAndValExist $d $nm1]} { set p $d; return isEnum } } return isUnknown } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::dictAndValExist {d args} { if {![info exists $d]} { return 0 } dict exists [set $d] {*}$args } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::RemoveC++Comments {a} { ;# --- protect '//' inside of strings regsub -all -line -- {(\".*?)//(.*?\")} $a {\1__pb_slashslash__\2} a regsub -all -line -- {^\s*//.*$} $a "\n" a regsub -all -line -- {;\s*//.*$} $a ";\n" a regsub -all -line -- {\{\s*//[^\}]*$} $a "\{\n" a # --- remove empty lines. regsub -all -- {\n\s*\n} $a "\n" a string map [list __pb_slashslash__ //] $a } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::assert {a} { set x [uplevel 1 [list expr $a]] if {!$x} { return -code error "*** assertion ($a) failed" } } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::unexpected {a} { return -code error "*** unexpected: $a" } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::curr_message {sub {a {}}} { variable curr_message switch $sub { create { variable protoDict dict set protoDict message $a {} set curr_message $a # --- every message into a separate namespace. namespace eval $curr_message { set enums [dict create] set fields [dict create v2d {} k2v {}] } variable all_messages lappend all_messages $curr_message } get { return $curr_message } set { set curr_message $a } } set curr_message } # ****************************************************************************** # ############################################################################## # Interpreter inside of 'enum'. # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enum_itp::// {args} { } # ****************************************************************************** ;# Example(3): enum E { a; b; c = 7; d=8; e=9; } ;# _unknown a ;# _unknown b ;# _unknown c = 7 ;# _unknown d=8 ;# _unknown e=9 ;# ;# I do not allow options inside enums! TODO: Does the spec? ;# proc pb::enum_itp::_unknown {key args} { # --- fill enum-dict! set m [::pb::curr_message get] upvar #0 ${m}::enums enums ::pb::curr_enum curr_enum # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = upvar #0 ${m}::enumLastVal($curr_enum) lastVal if {![info exists lastVal]} { set lastVal -1 } if {[llength $args]} { ::pb::assert {[lindex $args 0] eq "="} set val [lindex $args 1] } else { set val [incr lastVal] } set lastVal $val # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = if {[dict exists $enums $curr_enum k2v $key]} { error "*** error: multiple used key in enum $curr_enum" } if {[dict exists $enums $curr_enum v2k $val]} { error "*** error: multiple used value in enum $curr_enum" } # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = dict set enums $curr_enum k2v $key $val dict set enums $curr_enum v2k $val $key } # ############################################################################## # Interpreter innerhalb von 'message'. # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::msg_itp::// {args} { } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::msg_itp::enum {nm body} { set m [::pb::curr_message get] # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = dict set ${m}::enums $nm k2v {} dict set ${m}::enums $nm v2k {} # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = set ::pb::curr_enum $nm set ::pb::curr_enum_val -1 $::pb::enum_itp eval $body } # ****************************************************************************** ;# 'Nested extension' ;# ------------------ ;# Example(ext11): ;# message Baz { ;# extend Foo { ;# optional int32 bar = 126; ;# } ;# ... ;# } ;# ;# The C++ code to access this extension is: ;# Foo foo; foo.SetExtension(Baz::bar, 15); ;# ;# Example(ext12): ;# message Baz { ;# extend Foo { ;# optional Baz bar = 127; ;# } ;# ... ;# } ;# ;# "Language Guide#Nested Extensions": ;# ...All it means is that the symbol 'bar' is declared inside the scope ;# of Baz; it's simply a static member... ;# ;# ========================================================================= ;# fm, TODO: What's the point of 'nested extensions'? ;# They seem to complicate things for no reason/benefit at all!? ;# proc pb::msg_itp::extend {nm body} { set m [::pb::curr_message get] xxx! } # ****************************************************************************** ;# 'Language Guide': ;# ...Extensions let you declare that a range of field numbers in a ;# message are available for third-party extensions... ;# ;# ...max is 2**29-1, or 536,870,911... ;# Avoid field numbers 19000 though 19999... You can define an ;# extension range that includes this range, but the protocol compiler ;# will not allow you to define actual extensions with these numbers. ;# proc pb::msg_itp::extensions {von {to {}} {bis {}}} { set m [::pb::curr_message get] if {$bis eq {}} { set bis $von } elseif {$bis eq "max"} { set bis 536870911 } set ${m}::extensions [list $von $bis] } # ****************************************************************************** ;# Jede Message in einen extra Namespace! ;# proc pb::msg_itp::message {name body} { ;#! name set m [::pb::curr_message get] ::pb::curr_message create ${m}::$name $::pb::msg_itp eval $body ::pb::curr_message set $m } # ****************************************************************************** ;# kind in {optional repeated required} ;# 'opts' := result of 'pbOptionList' ;# ;# "Groups" are NOT SUPPORTED! ('Language-Guide: groups are deprecated') ;# Example(5,not-supported): 'repeated group Result = 1 { ... }' ;# proc pb::msg_itp::_kind {kind type nm eq val {opts {}}} { set m [::pb::curr_message get] upvar #0 ${m}::fields fields if {[dict exists $fields v2d $val]} { error "*** ${m} multiple used field_num: $val" } upvar #0 ::pb::predefinedTypes predefinedTypes if {[info exists predefinedTypes($type)]} { dict set fields v2d $val wt $predefinedTypes($type) ;# wire_type } else { dict set fields v2d $val wt {} # Support type-syntax 'Parent.Type'. # Allow forward-declarations! => Do the name-resolution later. upvar #0 ::pb::namesToResolve namesToResolve lappend namesToResolve $m $nm $val } # --- 'v2d' := value2data; 'k2v' := key2value; dict set fields v2d $val type $type dict set fields v2d $val kind $kind dict set fields v2d $val name $nm dict set fields k2v $nm $val switch -- $kind { optional { if {[dict exists $opts default]} { set default [dict get $opts default] switch -- $type { bool { set default [string is true $default] } } dict set fields v2d $val default $default } } repeated { # Only repeated fields of primitive numeric types (types which use # the varint, 32-bit, or 64-bit wire types) can be declared "packed". if {[dict exists $opts packed] && [string is true [dict get $opts packed]]} { dict set fields v2d $val kind packed } } required { } } } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::msg_itp::_ignored {args} { } # ****************************************************************************** ;# Some options: ctype, default, deprecated, packed ;# xxx "custom options": (field_opt1) etc. ;# proc pb::msg_itp::pbOptionList {a} { set x [dict create] set s expectOpt foreach i $a { switch -- $i { , { switch $s { expectEq { set s expectOpt ;# xxx } expectOpt { } expectVal { set val $i; set s expectOpt } } } = { switch $s { expectEq { set s expectVal } expectOpt { error "*** syntax error: [info level 0]" } expectVal { set val $i; set s expectOpt } } } default { switch $s { expectOpt { set opt $i; set s expectEq } expectVal { set val $i } } } } if {[info exists opt] && [info exists val]} { dict set x $opt $val # xxx # xxx ($option ne "default") # xxx set ::pb::msg_default [list $key $val] unset -nocomplain opt val } } set x } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::msg_itp::_unknown {args} { } # ############################################################################## proc pb::itp::// {args} { } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::itp::enum {nm body} { pb::msg_itp::enum $nm $body } # ****************************************************************************** ;# see "Language Guide#Extensions" ;# ;# Example(ext1): ;# extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {..} ;# ;# Example(ext2): ;# extend Foo { optional int32 bar = 126; } ;# ;# ...However, the way you access extension fields in your application ;# code is slightly different to accessing regular fields... ;# C++: Foo foo; foo.SetExtension(bar, 15); ;# ;# fm: not in this Tcl-implementation! I see no reason to ;# treat extension-fields any different from regular fields. ;# proc pb::itp::extend {nm body} { xxx! } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::itp::import {a} { upvar #0 ::pb::import_path import_path foreach i $import_path { set f [file join $i $a] if {[file exists $f]} { set pdct [::pb::_ParseProtofile $f] break } } } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::itp::message {name body} { ;#! name ::pb::curr_message create ::pb::msg::$name $::pb::msg_itp eval $body ::pb::curr_message set ::pb::msg } # ****************************************************************************** ;# --- for the time being options are ignored. ;# ;# Example(opt1): ;# option (google.protobuf.csharp_file_options).namespace = "Google.ProtocolBuffers.Examples.AddressBook"; ;# option (google.protobuf.csharp_file_options).umbrella_classname = "AddressBookProtos"; ;# ;# option optimize_for = SPEED; ;# ;# See: ;# proc pb::itp::option {args} { } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::itp::package {pkgName} { # xxx 'package': see "Language Guide#Packages" xxx! now wrap all messages into namespace ::pb::pkg::$pkgName } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::itp::_ignored {args} { } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::itp::_unknown {args} { } # ############################################################################## ====== Now "wire.tcl": ====== # ############################################################################## # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_uint64 {e a} { upvar 1 $e x ;#assert {$a >= 0} ;# --- split $a into 7-bit chunks. if {$a < 128} { ;# 2**7 append x [binary format c $a] return 1 } elseif {$a < 16384} { ;# 2**14 append x [binary format c [expr {($a & 127) | 128}]] append x [binary format c [expr {$a >> 7}]] return 2 } elseif {$a < 2097152} { ;# 2**21 append x [binary format c [expr {($a & 127) | 128}]] append x [binary format c [expr {(($a >> 7) & 127) | 128}]] append x [binary format c [expr {$a >> 14}]] return 3 } set n 0 set sh 0 while 1 { set b [expr {($a >> $sh) & 127}] incr sh 7 incr n if {$a >> $sh} { append x [binary format c [expr {$b | 128}]] } else { append x [binary format c $b] return $n } } } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_int64 {e a} { upvar 1 $e x if {$a >= 0} { ;# --- split $a into 7-bit chunks. if {$a < 128} { ;# 2**7 append x [binary format c $a] return 1 } elseif {$a < 16384} { ;# 2**14 append x [binary format c [expr {($a & 127) | 128}]] append x [binary format c [expr {$a >> 7}]] return 2 } elseif {$a < 2097152} { ;# 2**21 append x [binary format c [expr {($a & 127) | 128}]] append x [binary format c [expr {(($a >> 7) & 127) | 128}]] append x [binary format c [expr {$a >> 14}]] return 3 } } else { # --- treat negative numbers as big unsigneds. binary scan [binary format w $a] wu a } set n 0 set sh 0 while 1 { set b [expr {($a >> $sh) & 127}] incr sh 7 incr n if {$a >> $sh} { append x [binary format c [expr {$b | 128}]] } else { append x [binary format c $b] return $n } } } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_sint64 {e a} { upvar 1 $e x if {$a >= 0} { return [enc_uint64 x [expr {$a << 1}]] } else { return [enc_uint64 x [expr {((-$a) << 1) - 1}]] } } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_bool {e a} { upvar 1 $e x if {$a} { append x [binary format c 1] } else { append x [binary format c 0] } return 1 } # ****************************************************************************** ;# TODO: How do I ensure that this writes 64 bit on every machine? ;# proc pb::enc_double {e a} { upvar 1 $e x; assert {[string length [binary format q $a]] == 8} append x [binary format q $a]; return 8 } # ****************************************************************************** ;# TODO: How do I ensure that this writes 32 bit on every machine? ;# proc pb::enc_float {e a} { upvar 1 $e x; assert {[string length [binary format r $a]] == 4} append x [binary format r $a]; return 4 } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_fieldnum_wiretype {e field_num wire_type} { upvar 1 $e x switch $wire_type { 3 - 4 { error "*** not implemented: (wire_type==$wire_type)" } } enc_uint64 x [expr {($field_num << 3) | $wire_type}] } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_string {e a} { upvar 1 $e x set a [encoding convertto utf-8 $a] set len [string length $a] set n [enc_uint64 x $len] append x [binary format a* $a] incr n $len } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_bytes {e a} { upvar 1 $e x set len [string length $a] set n [enc_uint64 x $len] append x [binary format a* $a] incr n $len } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_fixed64 {e a} { upvar 1 $e x; append x $a; incr n 8 } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_fixed32 {e a} { upvar 1 $e x; append x $a; incr n 4 } # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::enc_int32 {} ::pb::enc_int64 # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::enc_uint32 {} ::pb::enc_uint64 # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::enc_enum {} ::pb::enc_int64 # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::enc_sint32 {} ::pb::enc_sint64 # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::enc_sfixed64 {} ::pb::enc_fixed64 # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::enc_sfixed32 {} ::pb::enc_fixed32 # ****************************************************************************** ;# cf. '_enc {*}$type' in 'enc_message'. ;# proc pb::enc_Enum {aEnums nm1 e val} { upvar #0 $aEnums enums upvar 1 $e x enc_uint64 x [dict get $enums $nm1 k2v $val] } # ****************************************************************************** ;# 'embedded-message' ;# cf. '_enc {*}$type' in 'enc_message'. ;# proc pb::enc_Msg {ns e val} { upvar 1 $e x set n [enc_message code $ns $val] incr n [enc_uint64 x $n] append x $code set n } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::_enc {a args} { uplevel 1 enc_$a $args } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_message {e ns dct} { upvar 1 $e x upvar #0 ${ns}::fields fields set n 0 set li {} dict for {fld val} $dct { if {![dict exists $fields k2v $fld]} { ! _unknown_field if {[string match _unknown_field* $fld]} { xxx support "unknown fields" } continue } set code {} set fnum [dict get $fields k2v $fld] set type [dict get $fields v2d $fnum type] set wt [dict get $fields v2d $fnum wt] set kind [dict get $fields v2d $fnum kind] #! kind type wt fnum fld val switch $kind { required - optional { incr n [enc_fieldnum_wiretype code $fnum $wt] incr n [_enc {*}$type code $val] } repeated { set c1 {} set n1 [enc_fieldnum_wiretype c1 $fnum $wt] foreach v1 $val { incr n $n1; append code $c1 incr n [_enc {*}$type code $v1] } } packed { incr n [enc_fieldnum_wiretype code $fnum 2] set c1 {} set n1 0 foreach v1 $val { incr n1 [_enc {*}$type c1 $v1] } incr n [enc_uint64 code $n1] incr n $n1 append code $c1 } default { error "*** internal error: unknown kind=[list $kind]" } } lappend li [list $fnum $code] } # --- sort by field-number foreach i [lsort -integer -index 0 $li] { if 0 { set fnum [lindex $i 0]; set bits [bits [lindex $i 1]]; ! fnum bits } append x [lindex $i 1] } set n } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::enc_message_delimited {e ns dct} { upvar 1 $e x set n [enc_message code $ns $dct] ;#! n incr n [enc_uint64 x $n] append x $code set n } # ############################################################################## proc pb::_dec {a args} { uplevel 1 dec_$a $args } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::_rd {numVar rd nb} { upvar #0 $numVar num if {$num < $nb} { return -code error "*** trying to read too many bytes!" } set num [expr {$num-$nb}] {*}$rd $nb } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::wrap_rd {aRd nb} { upvar 1 $aRd rd variable inflate set var ::pb::tmp::rd[incr inflate] set $var $nb set rd [list ::pb::_rd $var $rd] #!! rd nb set var } # ############################################################################## proc pb::write_message_delimited {fid ns dct} { chan configure $fid -translation binary -encoding binary set code {} set n [enc_message_delimited code $ns $dct] puts -nonewline $fid $code set n } # ############################################################################## proc pb::read_message {fid ns dct} { upvar 1 $dct x set blocking [chan configure $fid -blocking] chan configure $fid -translation binary -encoding binary -blocking 1 set rd [list ::read $fid] set var [wrap_rd rd [expr {1<<63}]] set n [dec_message $var $rd $ns x] chan configure $fid -blocking $blocking set n } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::read_message_delimited {fid ns dct} { upvar 1 $dct x set blocking [chan configure $fid -blocking] chan configure $fid -translation binary -encoding binary -blocking 1 set rd [list ::read $fid] #set rd [list ::pb::readAndPrnt $fid] set n [dec_uint64 {} $rd len] # --- 'len' read, now decode message (must have $len bytes) set var [wrap_rd rd $len] incr n [dec_message $var $rd $ns x] unset $var chan configure $fid -blocking $blocking set n } # ############################################################################## ;# Memo: ;# 1. A protocol buffer message is a series of key-value pairs. ;# 2. Each key is a varint with the value ((field_number << 3) | wire_type). ;# In other words, the last three bits of the number store the wire type. ;# proc pb::dec_message {aVar rd ns dct} { upvar #0 $aVar var upvar 1 $dct x upvar #0 ${ns}::fields fields upvar #0 ${ns}::msg0 msg0 set x $msg0 set n 0 while {$var} { #! var rd incr n [dec_fieldnum_wiretype $aVar $rd fld wt] #! fld wt if {[dict exists $fields v2d $fld]} { set type [dict get $fields v2d $fld type] set name [dict get $fields v2d $fld name] #! type name switch [set kind [dict get $fields v2d $fld kind]] { packed { assert {$wt == 2} incr n [dec_uint64 {} $rd n1] set rd1 $rd upvar #0 [set aVar1 [wrap_rd rd1 $n1]] var1 set val {} while {$var1} { incr n [_dec {*}$type $aVar1 $rd1 val1] lappend val $val1 } } default { incr n [_dec {*}$type $aVar $rd val] } } #! val dict set x $name $val } else { ;#! --- unknown field => skip! switch $wt { 0 { ;# 'varint': int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, enum set val [dec_varint $aVar $rd] #set val [dec_int32 $aVar $rd x]; ! val #set val [dec_sint32 $aVar $rd x]; ! val } 1 { ;# '64-bit': fixed64, sfixed64, double xxx ukn wt=$wt } 2 { ;# 'length-delimited': string, bytes, embedded message, packed repeated field xxx ukn wt=$wt } 3 { ;# 'Start_group': (deprecated) error "*** not implemented: (wire_type==3)" } 4 { ;# 'End_group': (deprecated) error "*** not implemented: (wire_type==4)" } 5 { ;# '32-bit': fixed32, sfixed32, float xxx ukn wt=$wt } } # xxx es können mehrere sein => durchnummerieren! # xxx den Typ ebenfalls mitgerücksichtigen! dict set x _unknown_field $val } } set n } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::dec_message_delimited {aVar rd ns dct} { upvar 1 $dct x set n [dec_uint64 $aVar $rd nb] set _ [dec_message $aVar $rd $ns x] incr n $nb } # ****************************************************************************** ;# 'b' := a binary byte; ;# 'i' := a signed(!) integer; ;# 'x' := field_num = uint; ;# ... 'The smallest field_number is 1, and the largest is 2**29-1, or 536,870,911' ... ;# Returns number of bytes read. ;# proc pb::dec_fieldnum_wiretype {aVar rd aFieldnum aWiretype} { upvar 1 $aFieldnum x $aWiretype wire_type binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i; set x [expr {($i & 120) >> 3}] set wire_type [expr {$i & 7}] if {!($i & 128)} { return 1 } # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = # 'int32': shift = 4 11 18; # avoid negativ numbers i.e. bit 32. binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i; set x [expr {((127 & $i) << 4) | $x}] if {!($i & 128)} { return 2 } binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i; set x [expr {((127 & $i) << 11) | $x}] if {!($i & 128)} { return 3 } binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i; set x [expr {((127 & $i) << 18) | $x}] if {!($i & 128)} { return 4 } # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == = binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i if {!($i & 128)} { ;# (192==128+64): bits 8, 7 are not set. (positiv int32) set x [expr {((127 & $i) << 25) | $x}] return 5 } error "*** Spec says we never should reach here!" } # ****************************************************************************** ;# Returns number of bytes read. ;# 'int32'; shift = 0 7 14 21 (28) ;# Enrolling the loop is a first attempt to optimize for speed. ;# (It is an optimization method that is better suited for C). ;# ;# "Encoding.pdf": ;# "...If you use int32 or int64 as the type for a negative number, ;# the resulting varint is always ten bytes long..." ;# proc pb::dec_int64 {aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i0 if {!($i0 & 128)} {set x $i0; return 1 } # >>> generated code: g1 0 10 binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i1 if {!($i1 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ($i1 << 7)}]; return 2} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i2 if {!($i2 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ($i2 << 14)}]; return 3} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i3 if {!($i3 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ((127 & $i2) << 14) | ($i3 << 21)}]; return 4} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i4 if {!($i4 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ((127 & $i2) << 14) | ((127 & $i3) << 21) | ($i4 << 28)}]; return 5} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i5 if {!($i5 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ((127 & $i2) << 14) | ((127 & $i3) << 21) | ((127 & $i4) << 28) | ($i5 << 35)}]; return 6} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i6 if {!($i6 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ((127 & $i2) << 14) | ((127 & $i3) << 21) | ((127 & $i4) << 28) | ((127 & $i5) << 35) | ($i6 << 42)}]; return 7} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i7 if {!($i7 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ((127 & $i2) << 14) | ((127 & $i3) << 21) | ((127 & $i4) << 28) | ((127 & $i5) << 35) | ((127 & $i6) << 42) | ($i7 << 49)}]; return 8} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i8 if {!($i8 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ((127 & $i2) << 14) | ((127 & $i3) << 21) | ((127 & $i4) << 28) | ((127 & $i5) << 35) | ((127 & $i6) << 42) | ((127 & $i7) << 49) | ($i8 << 56)}]; return 9} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i9 # <<< generated code # --- Negative numbers. if {$i9 != 1} { error "*** number does not fit into 64 bit!" } set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ((127 & $i2) << 14) | ((127 & $i3) << 21) | ((127 & $i4) << 28) | ((127 & $i5) << 35) | ((127 & $i6) << 42) | ((127 & $i7) << 49)}]; # --- Now all 56 bits fit and only the sign-byte (8 bit) is missing. set h [expr {128 | (127 & $i8)}] binary scan [binary format wXc $x $h] w x return 10 } # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::dec_int32 {} ::pb::dec_int64 # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::dec_bool {} ::pb::dec_int64 # ****************************************************************************** ;# 'ZigZag encoding' ("Encoding.pdf"): ;# -1 is encoded as 1, 1 is encoded as 2, -2 is encoded as 3, and so on. ;# each value n is encoded using: (n << 1) ^ (n >> 63); ;# Note that the second shift [the (n >> 63) part] is an arithmetic shift. ;# So, in other words, the result of the shift is either a number that is ;# all zero bits (if n is positive) or all one bits (if n is negative). ;# proc pb::dec_sint64 {aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x set n [dec_int64 $aVar $rd x] if {$x & 1} { ;# encoded(negative-number) set x [expr {-(($x + 1) >> 1)}] } else { ;# encoded(positive-number) set x [expr {$x >> 1}] } set n } # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::dec_sint32 {} ::pb::dec_sint64 # ****************************************************************************** ;# Read 'uint32', 'uint64'; # Tcl could do even more. ;# proc pb::dec_uint64 {aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i0 if {!($i0 & 128)} {set x $i0; return 1 } # >>> generated code: g1 0 10 binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i1 if {!($i1 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ($i1 << 7)}]; return 2} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i2 if {!($i2 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ($i2 << 14)}]; return 3} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i3 if {!($i3 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ((127 & $i2) << 14) | ($i3 << 21)}]; return 4} binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i4 if {!($i4 & 128)} {set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ((127 & $i2) << 14) | ((127 & $i3) << 21) | ($i4 << 28)}]; return 5} # <<< generated code binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i set x [expr {(127 & $i0) | ((127 & $i1) << 7) | ((127 & $i2) << 14) | ((127 & $i3) << 21) | ((127 & $i4) << 28) | ((127 & $i) << 35)}] if {!($i & 128)} {return 6} set shift 35 set n 6 while {$i & 128} { binary scan [read $fid 1] c i incr n set x [expr {((127 & $i) << [incr shift 7]) | $x}] } set n } # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::dec_uint32 {} ::pb::dec_uint64 # ****************************************************************************** ;# I don't know what that 'fixed'-thing should be; so I treat it as bytes. ;# TODO: 'fixed64', 'fixed32', 'sfixed64', 'sfixed32' as datatypes?? ;# proc pb::dec_fixed32 {aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x; set x [{*}$rd 4]; return 4 } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::dec_fixed64 {aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x; set x [{*}$rd 8]; return 8 } # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::dec_sfixed64 {} ::pb::dec_fixed64 # ****************************************************************************** interp alias {} ::pb::dec_sfixed32 {} ::pb::dec_fixed32 # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::dec_float {aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x; binary scan [{*}$rd 4] r x; return 4 } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::dec_double {aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x; binary scan [{*}$rd 8] q x; return 8 } # ****************************************************************************** ;# ;# proc pb::dec_string {aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x set n [dec_uint64 $aVar $rd len] incr n $len ;#! len set _ [binary scan [{*}$rd $len] a$len y] set x [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $y] set n } # ****************************************************************************** ;# Read 'int32', 'int64', 'int28'; ;# ;# ;# --- binary scan [set b0 [read $fid 1]] c i0; testeBits b0 ;# proc pb::dec_varint {aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x set shift -7 set n 0 set x 0 set i 128 while {$i & 128} { incr n binary scan [{*}$rd 1] c i set x [expr {((127 & $i) << [incr shift 7]) | $x}] } set n } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::dec_Enum {aEnums nm1 aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x set n [dec_uint64 $aVar $rd val] ;#! val upvar #0 $aEnums enums set x [dict get $enums $nm1 v2k $val] set n } # ****************************************************************************** proc pb::dec_Msg {ns aVar rd a} { upvar 1 $a x set n [dec_message_delimited $aVar $rd $ns x] } # ****************************************************************************** # ############################################################################## ====== <>Enter Category Here