An [IWidget]. Screenshot: [] Docs can be found at and ---- [RS]: Although, with the modern [labelframe], such a megawidget can easily be hand-rolled: proc radiobox {wpath args} { array set opt {-text "" -values ""} set opt(-variable) $wpath ;# default, if not specified array set opt $args labelframe $wpath -text $opt(-text) foreach value $opt(-values) { radiobutton $wpath.v$value -text $value -variable $opt(-variable)\ -value $value } set ::$opt(-variable) [lindex $opt(-values) 0] eval pack [winfo children $wpath] -anchor w set wpath } #----- Test: set fonts {Helvetica Courier Times Symbol} pack [radiobox .r -text "Select a font" -variable v -values $fonts] trace add variable v write {wm title . $v;#} ;# to see that the variable changes ---- [Category Command], a part of [incr Widgets]