Port2 of this GPS clock is specific to just this model and gives a 16 byte pulse once every other second with Time-of-Day. partially decoded below (The data is shown in Hex): ====== 00 09 01 07 03 01 04 04 00 02 03 01 03 00 00 0D ====== All numerical data is transmitted as a single byte per digit, i.e. digit 9 is transmitted as 09 Hex. Bytes 1-2 are two least significant digits of the Year (00 09) 2009. Bytes 3-5 are the numerical Day of the Year (01 07 03) or day 173 (June 22). Zero start as Jan 1 Bytes 6-7 are the Hour (01 04), hour 14 or 2PM. Bytes 8-9 are the Minute (04 00), minute 40. Bytes 10-11 are the Second (02 03), second 23. Bytes 12-13 are the Accumulated Leap Seconds (01 03), 13 leap seconds. Bytes 14-15 SmartClock Mode or Status: 01 00: Power-Up Mode 10 00 Holdover Mode 00 00 GPS Lock Mode Byte 16 is a Carriage Return (0D). Under the example above, the Date and Time is June 22, 2009 (day 173) at 14:40:23, and no Holdover. On the Port2 serial interface, the serial port parameters are fixed at 9600, N, 8, 1 and cannot be changed. Although the Port2 connector is wired for Receive Data (pin 3) it does not appear that the GPS Receiver will accept any commands. All SCPI commands must be issued over the Port1 serial interface connector. The following test scripts prints the following every 2 seconds ====== Wed Sep 30 07:51:33 PDT 2015 GPS Locked Wed Sep 30 07:51:35 PDT 2015 GPS Locked Wed Sep 30 07:51:37 PDT 2015 GPS Locked Wed Sep 30 07:51:39 PDT 2015 GPS Locked Wed Sep 30 07:51:41 PDT 2015 GPS Locked Wed Sep 30 07:51:43 PDT 2015 GPS Locked Wed Sep 30 07:51:45 PDT 2015 GPS Locked Wed Sep 30 07:51:47 PDT 2015 GPS Locked ====== ====== set serial [open /dev/ttyUSB0 r+] fconfigure $serial -mode "9600,n,8,1" -handshake none -blocking 0 \ -buffering line -translation cr fileevent $serial readable [list serial_receiver $serial] proc serial_receiver { chan } { set data [gets $chan] if {![string length $data]} { if {[eof $chan]} { # get everything left set data [read $chan] puts stderr "Closing $chan" catch {close $chan} } else { return } } puts [translate $data] } proc translate {bytes} { binary scan $bytes {c2c3c2c2c2c2c2} year doy hr min sec lsec mode # day-of-year starts at zero, but Tcl wants one set doy [expr {[join $doy ""] + 1}] # convert to UNIX time seconds. Make sure # radio is set not to convert timezone # using :PTIME:TZONE 0,0 on port1 set seconds [clock scan \ "[join $year ""] $doy [join $hr ""] [join $min ""] [join $sec ""]" \ -format {%y %j %H %M %S} -gmt 1] # subtract leap seconds set seconds [expr {$seconds - [join $lsec ""]}] switch -- [join $mode ""] { "00" {set state "GPS Locked"} "10" {set state "Power-Up"} "100" {set state "Holdover"} } return "[clock format $seconds] $state" } ====== <>Hardware