[MAKR], 2007-08-01: rechan is a small [Tcl] extension written in [C]. It consists of only one C source file and strives to make [reflected channel]s available to the [Tcl] 8.4 script level. Some basic information extracted from the source file: * Written by [Matt Newman] and [Jean-Claude Wippler], as part of [Tclkit]. * March 2003 - placed in the public domain by the authors. * * Reflecting [channel] interface As for how to use it, have a look at [Rchan allows channels to be implemented in Tcl]. ---- [LV] Where does one find this extension? ---- [DKF]: See also [chan create], which allows for similar capabilities directly in Tcl itself from 8.5 onwards. ---- [[[Category Channel]|[Category Package]]]