if 0 { Tcl has no struct or record facility. We can approximate them with keyed lists or the like, but they just aren't as compact or usable as a simple record. Thus was born: } proc record { op rec args } { upvar type-$rec type upvar len-$rec len switch -exact $op { define { set type $args set len [ llength $args ] } new { set varname [ lindex $args 0 ] set args [ lreplace $args 0 0 ] upvar $varname instance set instance [ eval list $rec $args ] } get { upvar $rec instance set rec [ lindex $instance 0 ] upvar type-$rec type set element [ lsearch -exact $type $args ] if { $element == -1 } { bail "no such element $args in $rec" } else { incr element return [ lindex $instance $element ] } } set { upvar $rec instance set instname $rec set rec [ lindex $instance 0 ] upvar type-$rec type set field [ lindex $args 0 ] if { [ llength $args ] == 1 } { return [ uplevel record get $instname $field ] } set value [ lrange $args 1 end ] set element [ lsearch -exact $type $field ] if { $element == -1 } { bail "no such element $field in $rec" } else { incr element return [set instance [lreplace $instance $element $element $value]] } } } } if 0 { What's different here? Well, rather than dragging the field names around with each individual record we can define a prototype list. This prototype names the fields of the record, and is used to look up which field you want when you ask for it, or change it. Dicts, keyed lists, and array all incur this overhead. Records have only one definition, objects declared this way consist only of their record type and the actual data for each field. For a (trivial) example: } #source record.tcl - as needed record define person name height weight record new person larry "" "" "" record set larry name "Larry Smith" record set larry height 6'4\" puts "Larry: $larry" puts "larry.height=[record get larry height]" puts "larry.height=[record set larry height]" if 0 { The notation is not compact, but I left it this way to show how it works. Any of the normal currying methods like [Custom curry] can shorten it easily. } ---- [BAS] - See also the [record] package in tcllib (struct), although I'd like to update that to use dicts internally some day ---- Extended version of the example above, added som new functions which could mirror some features from ::struct::record posted by kruzalex proc record { op {rec ""} {args ""}} { upvar records records switch -exact $op { define { upvar type-$rec type upvar len-$rec len set type [eval concat $args] lappend records $rec set len [ llength $args ] } "delete record" { upvar record-$rec record if {[ lsearch -exact $record $rec ] != -1} { upvar instname-$rec instname unset record instname set element [ lsearch -exact $records $rec ] set records [lrange $records [expr $element+1] end] } else { return -code error "Could not delete record - record does not exist" } } "delete instance" { upvar instname-$rec instname if {[info exists instname]==0} { return -code error "Could not delete instance - parent record does not exist" } else { if {[ lsearch -exact $instname $args ] != -1} { set element [string first $args $instname] set instname [lrange $instname [expr $element+1] end] } else { return -code error "Could not delete instance - instance does not exist" } } } "show members" - "show types" { upvar type-$rec type set type } "show records" { set records } "show instances" { upvar instname-$rec instname if {[ lsearch -exact $records $rec ] != -1} { set instname } else { return -code error "Could not show instances for requested record - record does not exist" } } "show values" { upvar $rec instance return [lrange $instance 1 end] } "exists record" { if {[ lsearch -exact $records $rec ] != -1} { return 1 } else { return 0 } } configure { upvar type-$rec type upvar len-$rec len if {[llength $args] == 0} { puts [set type] } else { append type " " $args set len [ llength $args ] } } new { upvar record-$rec record upvar instname-$rec instname set record $rec if {[llength [lindex $args 0]] > 0} { if {[info exists instname]==0} { set instname [lindex $args 0] } else { append instname " " [lindex $args 0] } } set varname [ lindex $args 0 ] set args [ lreplace $args 0 0 ] upvar $varname instance set instance [ eval list $rec $args ] } get { upvar $rec instance upvar record-$rec record set rec [ lindex $instance 0 ] upvar type-$rec type set element [ lsearch -exact $type $args ] if { $element == -1 } { bail "no such element $args in $rec" } else { incr element return [ lindex $instance $element ] } } set {upvar $rec instance upvar record-$rec record set rec [ lindex $instance 0 ] set record $rec upvar type-$rec type set field [ lindex $args 0 ] if { [ llength $args ] == 1 } { return [ uplevel record get $instname $field ] } set value [ lrange $args 1 end ] set element [ lsearch -exact $type $field ] if { $element == -1 } { bail "no such element $field in $rec" } else { incr element return [set instance [lreplace $instance $element $element $value]] } } } } record define person name height weight record define class first second third record configure person record configure person age # copy one record to another record record define level [record "show members" class] # puts "types level: [record "show types" level]" puts "types person: [record "show types" person]" puts "types class: [record "show types" class]" puts "records: [record "show records"]" record new person record new person larry {} {} {} record new person garry {} {} {} record new person perry {} {} {} puts "record show instances: [record "show instances" person]" record set larry name "Larry Smith" record set larry height 6'4\" puts "larry.height=[record get larry height]" puts "show values: [record "show values" larry]" puts "show values: [record "show values" garry]" puts [record "exists record" person] record "delete record" person puts [record "exists record" person] puts "record show instances: [record "show instances" person]" ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Data Structure] |% !!!!!!