Sometimes called [virtual channel] or [stacked channel], not to be confused with [virtual file system]s Tcl 8.5 provides a facility to implement [channel]s (as usually returned by [open] and [socket]) in pure tcl. This enables a library to implement transformations over channels (see [stacked channel]) or present a file-like interface ([read]/[puts]/[chan event] etc.) to any data structure. Reflected channels are created with [chan create] and their implementation is documented there, and Meanwhile, here's a (sadly untested) implementation of a simple reflected channel which acts as a buffer. package rchan 1.0 namespace eval rchan { variable chan ;# set of known channels array set chan {} proc initialize {chanid} { variable chan set chan($chanid) "" } proc finalize {chanid} { variable chan unset chan($chanid) } variable watching array set watching {read 0 write 0} proc watch {chanid events} { variable watching if {$event eq {}} { foreach event $events { set watching($event) 0 } } else { foreach event $events { set watching($event) 1 } } } proc read {chanid count} { variable chan if {[string length $chan($chanid)] < $count} { set result $chan($chanid); set chan($chanid) "" } else { set result [string range $chan($chanid) 0 $count-1] set chan($chanid) [string range $chan($chanid) $count end] } # implement max buffering variable watching variable max if {$watching(write) && ([string length $chan($chanid)] < $max)} { chan postevent $chanid write } return $result } variable max 1048576 ;# maximum size of the reflected channel proc write {chanid data} { variable chan variable max variable watching set left [expr {$max - [string length $chan($chanid)]}] ;# bytes left in buffer set dsize [string length $data] if {$left >= $dsize} { append chan($chanid) $data if {$watching(write) && ([string length $chan($chanid)] < $max)} { # inform the app that it may still write chan postevent $chanid write } } else { set dsize $left append chan($chanid) [string range $data $left] } # inform the app that there's something to read if {$watching(read) && ($chan($chanid) ne "")} { chan postevent $chanid read } return $dsize ;# number of bytes actually written } namespace export -clear * namespace ensemble create -subcommands {} } ---- [[Using reflected channels to do the equivalent of open "|simple1 |& cat" r using [exec] instead of [open] and the "cat" helper?]] ---- [Zarutian] 27. janĂșar 2006: are reflected chans just other name over rechans in [Rchan allows channels to be implemented in Tcl]? [Lars H]: Same idea, different implementations. From the [TIP] discussions, I recall it being mentioned that the handling of [threads] and errors were tricky points for a reflected channel API. ---- [[ [Category Concept] | [Category Channel] ]]