Documentation can be found at ---- Has anyone done anything ''simple'' with this command? I'm having problems figuring where to start. ---- package require csv package require cmdline package require report package require struct ... open a channel to a a CSV file, with default separator (comma) struct::matrix::matrix m csv::read2matrix $channel m report::report r [m columns] ; # (*) r printmatrix2channel m stdout This should print the CSV file to stdout, auto-formatted so that each column is wide enough to hold the longest value of that columns. No visual frills like header, footer or column separators. ---- For output as HTML table add ::report::defstyle html {} { set c [columns] set cl $c ; incr cl -1 data set " [split [string repeat " " $cl] ""] " for {set col 0} {$col < $c} {incr col} { pad $col left "" pad $col right "" } return } somewhere before the creation of the report and use report::report r [m columns] style html to create the report object, see (*) above. ---- [Category Package], subset [Tcllib]