Preprocessing of source code ---- # run.tcl # Copyright 2001 by Larry Smith # Wild Open Source, Inc # For license terms GPL # # Replacement for "source" but expands macros # and allows a preprocessing pass for commands # delimited by <<< and >>>. # It even provides for "real" comments #... # that are removed before processing. proc run { filename { macrolist "" } } { if { "$macrolist" != "" } { upvar $macrolist macros } if [catch { set f [ open $filename r ] } err ] { return -code $err } set src [ read $f ] foreach key [array names macros] { regsub -all -linestop $key $src $macros($key) src } set exp "" while 1 { if [regexp "(.*)(<<<.*>>>)(.*)" $src -> head exp tail] { regsub <<< $exp "" exp regsub >>> $exp "" exp set result [ uplevel eval $exp ] set src "$head$result$tail" } else { break } } uplevel eval $src } if 0 { here's an example preprocessor: } # source run.tcl proc compute { args } { set exp "" set id "" regsub "''" [ string trim $args ] "@@@" args while 1 { regexp "(\[^a-zA-Z_'\]*)(\[a-zA-Z0-9_'\]*)(.*)" $args -> head id tail if ![ string length $id ] { set exp "$exp$head" break } set dollar "" if ![ string equal [ string index $id 0 ] "'" ] { if ![ string equal [info commands $id] "" ] { set id "\[ $id" regexp {[^\(]*\(([^\)]*)\)(.*)} $tail -> params tail set tail " $params \]$tail" } else { set dollar "\$" } } append exp "$head$dollar$id" set args $tail } regsub -all "'" $exp "\"" exp set map "@@@ ' and && or || not ! <> != true 1 false 0 on 1 off 0 yes 1 no 0 pi 3.1415926535" foreach { from to } $map { regsub $from $exp $to exp } set exp [ uplevel subst -novariable \{$exp\} ] return "\{ $exp \}" } set xlate(IF) "if <<< compute " set xlate(THEN) ">>> \{" set xlate(ELSE) "\} else \{" set xlate(ELSIF) "\} elseif \[ compute " set xlate(END) "\}" set xlate(WHILE) "while \{ \[ compute " set xlate(DO) "\] \} \{" set xlate(#.*\\n) "\\n" if 0 { Now to invoke a file using the new syntax just use: } run foo.tcl xlate if 0 { Here's an example foo.tcl: } # This is a real comment set x 1 IF x <> 1 THEN puts "x is NOT 1" ELSE puts "x IS 1" END if 0 { This results in: } x IS 1 ---- [AMG]: Nifty. Just a note... it's not strictly necessary to \-quote the braces inside your xlate(*) strings; they're already quoted by being between double quotes. Left bracket, on the other hand, requires a backslash when not quoted by braces. [Lars H]: OTOH, it's typically still a good idea to \-escape braces, especially when they as here are heavily unbalanced. It's quite similar to the [why can I not place unmatched braces in Tcl comments] issue. An alternative approach for macro processing of Tcl code is to replace [proc] and process each body separately. That is what [Sugar] does. ---- [[ [Category Application] | [Category Dev. Tools] | [Category File] | [Category String Processing] ]]