A '''Scripted Document''' is a single file (compressed) packaging of [Tcl] scripts, platform specific compiled code and application data; designed to facilitate simple deployment of cross platform applications. They are made '''cross platform''' by developing in '''Tcl/Tk''' wherever possible, and by including compiled extensions for multiple platforms if necessary. Scripted documents are interpreted using [TclKit] - a platform specific single file Tcl/Tk interpreter. You will need to download TclKit for each platform that you want to run a Scripted Document on. It is possible to combine TclKit and a Scripted Document into a single file executable called a [Custom TclKit], There is an archive of scripted documents available at http://mini.net/sdarchive/ . Note also there is an emerging [Scripted Document Structure] standard. ---- "Scripted documents" is a phrase I ([JCW]) coined to describe a file which contains both scripts and data, and which is executable. It's almost like an application with an embedded database. [WiKit] is built as scripted document. For more details, see the corresponding page on my personal wiki (yah, well, wiki's tend to multiply like rabbits where I live): http://www.equi4.com/jcw/wiki.cgi/ScriptedDocument [WHD]: But is "Scripted Document" the best name? See [Script Documents Are Obscure]. ---- '''November 2000''' - The new place to look for details and info about scripted documents is: http://www.equi4.com/scripdoc/ -- JCW ---- In November 2001, [JCW] answered the question 'how do scripted documents get created' by the URL http://www.equi4.com/pub/tk/examples/sdx.README . Perhaps more info can be written on this page concerning the topic. ---- Some examples of scripted documents can be found at http://www.equi4.com/pub/dok/ and http://www.equi4.com/pub/tk/examples/ . ---- [CL] chatters on scripted documents [http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/comp.software-eng/scripted_documents.html]. ---- Anyone have any good help on how to use scripted documents on MacOS (pre-X I guess... MacOS X should work the same way as other OSes with regards to launching apps, right?) What [LV] has found is that if you start up a MacOS tclkit, then do a [source] of the scripted document, then you come close to getting things to work. The missing step is that currently at least, there is a missing environment variable which you need to set before sourcing the scripted document. That step is to do something like: set $::env(PATH) "." ---- See also [sdx] ---- [Category Wikit] | [Category Tclkit] | [Category Scripted Document]