sdx is an application designed to interact with [scripted document]s. Hopefully users of sdx will chime in here with pointers to documentation, examples of use, tricks, techniques, and more. The combination of [tclkit] and scripted documents is a very powerful one. Note that sdx also works on tclkit, the runtime environment for a scripted document ---- Examples of using sdx: sdx addtoc: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx eval: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx fetch: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx fs2sd: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx ftpd: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx httpd: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx httpdist: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx ls: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx lsd yourscripteddocument: List the contents of a scripted document sdx md5sum: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx mkshow: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx ratarx: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx rexecd: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx sd2fs yourscripteddocument: Extract the contents of a scripted document into a file system. sdx sdclean: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx sync: [[Fill in the blank]] sdx wrap: [[Fill in the blank]] ---- [Category Application]