A '''separator''' is a simple [widget] that has no behaviour in response to the user and renders itself as a line (either horizontal or vertical.) It's used to separate parts of a GUI. ---- See [Ttk], a part of [Tk] 8.5, for a core widget set that includes a separator. Its documentation can be found at http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/ttk_separator.htm . ---- A separator can be rendered by a single frame suitably [pack]ed or [grid]ed: proc separator {path} { return [frame $path -relief groove -borderwidth 2 -width 2 -height 2] } # Horizontal separator pack [separator .sep] -fill x 2014-09-24: I find the following definitions work better and look nicer. And they're not too expensive (Ni!). (Nomenclature: to me, a horizontal separator is one that looks like a horizontal line but stacks vertically between other widgets.) ====== proc hseparator path { frame $path -relief flat -borderwidth 3 -height 0 -pady 0 pack [frame $path.inner -relief groove -borderwidth 2 -height 2 -pady 0] -expand yes -fill x set path } # grid it: grid [button .a -text abc] -sticky ew grid [hseparator .sep] -sticky ew grid [button .b -text def] -sticky ew # pack it: pack [button .a -text abc] pack [hseparator .sep] -fill x pack [button .b -text def] ====== The result of gridding / packing isn't quite the same, since the gridded separator will stretch to the width of the other widgets, while a packed separator stretches to the width of the window. ====== proc vseparator {path} { frame $path -relief flat -borderwidth 3 -width 0 -padx 0 pack [frame $path.inner -relief groove -borderwidth 1 -width 0 -padx 0] -expand yes -fill both pack [label $path.inner.lbl -text {} -borderwidth 0 -width 0 -padx 0] set path } # grid it: grid [button .a -text abc] [vseparator .sep] [button .b -text def] -sticky w # pack it: pack [button .a -text abc] -side left pack [vseparator .sep] -side left -fill y pack [button .b -text def] -side left ====== Here, the result of gridding or packing is more or less the same, since the window will shrink to the height of the widgets. <> Widget