Serial Ports on Windows I created this page in case some people may have some questions or answers about [using a serial port] on Windows. I just tried to communicate with com1 on a Windows 2000 machine. For some reason I could not recieve any data using the following commands in Wish. % proc rd_chid {chid} { set msg [gets $chid] puts $msg } % set com [open com1: r+] % fconfigure -mode 9600,n,8,1 -blocking 0 -translation auto -buffering line % fileevent $com readable [list rd_chid $com] However, I was able to recieve data by putting those last 3 lines into its' own procedure... % proc rd_chid {chid} { set msg [gets $chid] puts $msg } % proc open_com {} { global com set com [open com1: r+] fconfigure $com -mode 9600,n,8,1 -blocking 0 -translation auto -buffering line fileevent $com readable [list rd_chid $com] } % open_com # lots of data comes streaming :) % close $com jg ---- In the belief that Tcl will benefit greatly from improved serial-port programmability, I recommend that the Universal Serial Port Python [] extension will interest many readers. I think it offers much from which we can learn. ---- I have added the missing "$com" behind the "fconfigure command. mlo