How can a command-line Tcl application catch and gracefully process signals such as control-C? It can't--not without an extension. Signal handling is not part of core Tcl, as of version 8.4. The most popular signal-aware extensions are [Expect] and [TclX]. ---- And what about signal handling from C extensions to Tcl? Say I'm writing some loadable module, and need to register an handler with SIGFPE. What TCL functions are safe to call? Which aren't? ---- Extended Tcl has a signal command: signal action siglist [command] where action is one of "default", "ignore", "error", "trap", "get", plus the POSIX "block" and "unblock" actions (available only on POSIX systems, of course). Siglist is a list of either the symbolic or numeric Unix signal (the SIG prefix is optional). Command is your error handler (or a simple {puts stdout "Don't press *that* key!"} :-) trap does what you expect, and I find error and get to be extremely useful in interactive programs which demand keyboard traversal. Americus P offers this example of signal usage: package require Tclx 8.0 set cntrlc_flag 1 proc mysig {} { global cntrlc_flag puts stdout "Aborting current routine" set cntrlc_flag 0 } signal trap SIGINT mysig The procedure that uses the interrupt looks like this: proc infinite {} { global cntrlc_flag set cntrlc_flag 1 set a 0 while {$cntrlc_flag == 1} { set a [expr $a+1] puts "Loop: $a" } }