Snitwiz is a [wizard] package written using the [snit] object system. I begain using the tkWizard package but found the interface a little awkward for what I wanted. Snitwiz doesn't rely on variable traces to decide where to go next and reconfiguring steps on the fly is easy. Share and enjoy...[Steve Cassidy] # snitwiz.tcl -- # # This file implements package snitwiz, which is a wizard # building package built with snit # # Copyright (c) 2004 Steve Cassidy # # package require snit package require msgcat if {[package present msgcat] != "package msgcat not present"} {namespace import msgcat::mc} # load message catalogs ::msgcat::mcload [file join [file dirname [info script]] .. msgs] package provide snitwiz 0.1 namespace eval snitwiz {; #namespace export -clear * # create a default image image create photo snitwiz::feather -data { R0lGODlhIAAgALMAANnZ2QAAwAAA/wBAwAAAAICAgAAAgGBggKCgpMDAwP// /////////////////////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAgACAAAAT/EMhJq60hhHDv pVCQYohAIJBzFgpKoSAEAYcUIRAI5JSFlkJBCGLAMYYIIRAI5ASFFiqDgENK EUIwBAI5ywRlyhAEHFKKEEIgEMgJyiwUBAGHnCKEEAyBQM4yy5RhCDikFDBI SSCQExRKwxBDjAGHgEFKQyCQk9YgxBBjDAGDnAQCOWkNQgwxxDgwyGkIBHJS GoQQYohRYJDTEAjkpDWIIYQQBQY5A4FATlqDEEIMgWCQMxgCgZy0BiikRDDI GQyBQE5aAxRSIhjkNIRAICetAQop04BBTgOBnLTKIIQQacAgZzAQyEkrCEII kQYMckoDgZy0giCESAMGOaWBQMoydeeUQYhUYJBTGgikLHNOGYRACQY5pYFA yjLnnEGgNGCQMxgAACgFAjnpFEUNGOQ0BgI5Z6FUFlVgkJNAICctlMqiyggB BkMIBHLOUiidSUEiJwRyzlIopbJQSilFURJUIJCTVntlKhhjCwsEctJqr0wF Y0xhBAA7 } }; # end of namespace snitwiz snit::widget wizard { hulltype toplevel variable buttonFrame variable layoutFrame variable sep variable helpButton variable backButton variable nextButton variable cancelButton variable finishButton variable currentstep variable disabledSteps {}; # a list of steps that won't be shown option -title {Wizard} option -showhelp 1 option -steps {} ;# the order of steps # when we get new steps we make sure each knows it's parent # and set the current step to the first onconfigure -steps {value} { set options(-steps) $value foreach s $value { $s configure -parent $self } set currentstep 0 } constructor {args} { # The dialog is composed of two areas: the row of buttons and the # area with the dynamic content. To make it look the way we want it to # we'll use another frame for a visual separator install buttonFrame using frame $win.buttonFrame -bd 0 install layoutFrame using frame $win.layoutFrame -bd 0\ -height 200 \ -width 300 install sep using frame $win.sep1 -class WizSeparator\ -height 2 -bd 2 -relief groove pack $layoutFrame -side top -expand 1 -fill both pack $sep -side top -expand 0 -fill x pack $buttonFrame -side top -expand 0 -fill x # make all of the buttons install helpButton using button $buttonFrame.helpButton \ -text [mc "Help"] \ -default normal \ -bd 1 \ -relief raised \ -command [mymethod help] install backButton using button $buttonFrame.backButton \ -text "< [mc Back]" \ -default normal \ -width 8 \ -bd 1 \ -relief raised \ -command [mymethod back] install nextButton using button $buttonFrame.nextButton \ -text "[mc Next] >" \ -default normal \ -width 8 \ -bd 1 \ -relief raised \ -command [mymethod next] install finishButton using button $buttonFrame.finishButton \ -text [mc Finish] \ -default normal \ -width 8 \ -bd 1 \ -relief raised \ -command [mymethod finish] install cancelButton using button $buttonFrame.cancelButton \ -text [mc Cancel] \ -default normal \ -width 8 \ -bd 1 \ -relief raised \ -command [mymethod cancel] # pack the buttons if {[$self cget -showhelp]} { pack $helpButton -side left -padx 4 -pady 8 } pack $cancelButton -side right -padx 4 -pady 8 pack $finishButton -side right -pady 8 -padx 4 pack $nextButton -side right -pady 8 pack $backButton -side right -pady 8 wm title $self [$self cget -title] wm minsize $self 550 430 $self configurelist $args } method layoutFrame {} { return $layoutFrame } ## methods to handle the button commands method help {} { event generate $self <> } method next {} { event generate $self <> update idletasks # go to the next non-disabled step foreach step [lrange [$self cget -steps] [expr $currentstep+1] end] { incr currentstep if {[lsearch $disabledSteps $step] < 0} { $self buildStep $step return } } } method back {} { event generate $self <> update idletasks ## go to the previous non-disabled step for {incr currentstep -1} {$currentstep >= 0} {incr currentstep -1} { set step [lindex [$self cget -steps] $currentstep] if {[lsearch $disabledSteps $step] < 0} { $self buildStep $step return } } } method finish {} { event generate $self <> } method cancel {} { exit } method buttonstate {name state} { switch $name { next {$nextButton configure -state $state} back {$backButton configure -state $state} finish {$finishButton configure -state $state} cancel {$cancelButton configure -state $state} help {$helpButton configure -state $state} } } ## defining and rendering steps ## a step is an object of type wizardstep ## it is rendered by calling it's 'render' method ## method buildStep {step} { # destroy the existing layout eval destroy [winfo children $layoutFrame] # run the step rendering method $step render $layoutFrame $self # enable/disable buttons as required if {$currentstep >= [llength [$self cget -steps]]-1} { # disable next $self buttonstate next disabled } else { $self buttonstate next normal } if {$currentstep == 0} { $self buttonstate back disabled } else { $self buttonstate back normal } } ## start -- # # set the wizard going with the first step # method start {} { set currentstep 0 $self buildStep [lindex $options(-steps) 0] } ## enable -- # # enable a step, if previously disabled method enable {step} { set pos [lsearch $disabledSteps $step] if {$pos >= 0} { set disabledSteps [lreplace $disabledSteps $pos $pos] } } ## disable -- # # disable a step so that it won't appear in the sequence # method disable {step} { set pos [lsearch $disabledSteps $step] if {$pos < 0} { lappend disabledSteps $step } } } snit::widget wizardLayout-basic { option -icon snitwiz::feather option -title "" option -subtitle "" option -pretext "" option -posttext "" variable titleframe variable title variable subtitle variable icon variable sep variable pretext variable posttext variable layoutFrame onconfigure -icon {value} { $icon configure -image $value set options(-icon) $value } onconfigure -title {value} { $title configure -text $value set options(-title) $value } onconfigure -subtitle {value} { $subtitle configure -text $value set options(-subtitle) $value } onconfigure -pretext {value} { $pretext configure -text $value set options(-pretext) $value } onconfigure -posttext {value} { $posttext configure -text $value set options(-posttext) $value } constructor {args} { install titleframe using frame $ -bd 4 -relief flat \ -background white install title using label $titleframe.t\ -background white -width 40\ -text [$self cget -title]\ -anchor w -justify left install subtitle using label $\ -height 2\ -background white\ -padx 15\ -width 40 \ -text [$self cget -subtitle]\ -anchor w -justify left install icon using label $titleframe.icon\ -borderwidth 0 \ -image $options(-icon) \ -background white \ -anchor c install sep using frame $win.sep -class WizSeparator\ -height 2 -bd 2 -relief groove set labelfont [font actual [$title cget -font]] $title configure -font [concat $labelfont -weight bold] install pretext using label $win.pretext -width 40\ -text [$self cget -pretext]\ -anchor w -justify left install layoutFrame using frame $win.layout -bd 0 -height 200 install posttext using label $win.posttext -width 40\ -text [$self cget -posttext]\ -anchor w -justify left grid $title $icon -sticky ew grid $subtitle ^ -sticky ew grid $titleframe -sticky new grid $sep -sticky new grid $pretext -sticky ew grid $layoutFrame -sticky nsew grid $posttext -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $win 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $win 0 -weight 0 ;# titleframe grid rowconfigure $win 1 -weight 0 ;# sep grid rowconfigure $win 2 -weight 0 ;# pretext grid rowconfigure $win 3 -weight 1 ;# layoutFrame grid rowconfigure $win 4 -weight 0 ;# posttext $self configurelist $args } method layoutFrame {} { return $layoutFrame } } snit::type wizardstep { option -title {} option -subtitle {} option -icon snitwiz::feather option -pretext {} option -posttext {} option -body {} option -parent {} option -layout basic ## render method calls the body code to generate the frame method render {frame wizard} { # first make the layout set layout [wizardLayout-$options(-layout) $frame.wiz\ -title $options(-title)\ -subtitle $options(-subtitle)\ -icon $options(-icon)\ -pretext $options(-pretext)\ -posttext $options(-posttext)] pack $layout -side top -fill both -expand 1 ## setup the special variable win as the container frame for ## the content note that we also have $wizard as the name of ## the containing wizard set win [$layout layoutFrame] # now render the step itself eval [$self cget -body] } } # require_all_keys -- # # Disable the Next button in a wizard unless all # keys in the given array have values # # Arguments: # wiz -- a wizard widget # arrayvar -- array name # keys -- list of keys to check # Results: # Puts a variable trace on the given # array variables which will enable the next button # only if all keys have non-null values. # proc snitwiz::require_all_keys {wiz arrayvar keys} { upvar $arrayvar array foreach k $keys { trace add variable array($k) write \ [list snitwiz::require_all_keys_tracefn $wiz $keys] } } proc snitwiz::require_all_keys_cleanup {wiz arrayvar keys} { upvar $arrayvar array foreach k $keys { trace remove variable array($k) write \ [list snitwiz::require_all_keys_tracefn $wiz $keys] } } # helper proc used by require_all_keys proc snitwiz::require_all_keys_tracefn {wiz keys arrayvar key op} { upvar $arrayvar array foreach k $keys { if {$array($k) eq ""} { $wiz buttonstate next disable return } } # reset to normal only if all ok $wiz buttonstate next normal } And here's an example of how to use it, by way of documentation (documentation -- ha ha ha....) source snitwiz.tcl package require snitwiz wm withdraw . wizardstep step1\ -title "The first step in the process"\ -subtitle "Or what you will..."\ -pretext "Please fill in the following form"\ -posttext "Thank you for doing that"\ -body { set can [canvas $win.canvas -background red] pack $can -fill both -expand 1 .w buttonstate finish disabled } wizardstep step2 -title "Step2" -layout basic -body { set can [canvas $win.canvas -background blue] pack $can -fill both -expand 1 .w buttonstate finish normal } wizardstep step3 -title "Final Step" -layout basic -body { set lab [label $win.l -text "Enter Your name"] set ent [entry $win.e] grid $lab $ent .w enable step2 } wizard .w -steps {step1 step2 step3} .w disable step2 .w start ---- See also [Snit]. ---- [Category Package] | [Category GUI] | [Category Widget] | [Category Snit Widgets]