split - Split a string into a proper Tcl list split string ?splitChars? Returns a list created by splitting string at each character that is in the splitChars argument. Each element of the result list will consist of the characters from string that lie between instances of the characters in splitChars. Empty list elements will be generated if string contains adjacent characters in splitChars, or if the first or last character of string is in splitChars. If splitChars is an empty string then each character of string becomes a separate element of the result list. SplitChars defaults to the standard white-space characters. For example, split "comp.unix.misc" . returns "comp unix misc" and split "Hello world" {} returns "H e l l o { } w o r l d". ======none [DKF]: I believe there's a standard (ANSI? POSIX?) somewhere. But the answer [DKF]: I believe there's a standard (ANSI? POSIX?) somewhere. But the answer includes "space", "tab", and "newline". [escargo]: By "tab" do you mean both horizontal tab (ASCII 9) and vertical tab ''[escargo]'' - By "tab" do you mean both horizontal tab (ASCII 9) and vertical tab (ASCII 11)? (See http://www.asciitable.com/) Arguments could be made for most of the ASCII characters under 33. [Strick]: Let's ask Tcl what it thinks are white: $ env | grep en_ LANG=en_US.UTF-8 $ cat what-chars-does-split-think-are-white.tcl for {set i 0} {$i<65536} {incr i} { if {[llength [format "/%c/" $i]] > 1} { puts -nonewline "$i " } } $ tclsh what-chars-does-split-think-are-white.tcl 9 10 11 12 13 32 $ [escargo] 2005-04-01 : ''[escargo] 4 Jan 2005'' - 9 = ASCII TAB, 10 = ASCII LF (line feed), 11 = ASCII VT (vertical tab), 12 = ASCII FF (form feed), 13 = ASCII CR (carriage return), and of course 32 = ASCII Space. 9 = ASCII TAB, 10 = ASCII LF (line feed), 11 = ASCII VT (vertical tab), 12 = I would have thought that the separator characters would count as white space (28-31, FS, GS, RS, US), but I guess they are regarded as "nonprinting" characters. I would have thought that the separator characters would count as white space ---- Note that the argument named ''splitChars'' above is a series of 0 to n individual characters. However, if you want to split on a specific sequence of 2 or more characters together, or if you want to split on a regular expression, split will not work for you. See [Tcllib]'s [textutil]::split::splitx for that functionality. [SS] 2004/01/31 - or you can use the following function: This version is recursive, so it may be better to rewrite it if you plan to use proc wsplit {string sep} { set first [string first $sep $string] if {$first == -1} { return [list $string] } else { set l [string length $sep] set left [string range $string 0 [expr {$first-1}]] set right [string range $string [expr {$first+$l}] end] return [concat [list $left] [wsplit $right $sep]] } } This version is recursive, so it may be better to rewrite it if you plan to use the function against very long strings with many separators. The difference between wsplit and splitx is that splitx uses regexp, so it may create problems with unknown separators. [IL] 2005-01-03: on the near anniversary of this proc, the iterative version, [IL] 2005/01/03 - on the near anniversary of this proc, the iterative version, quick n dirty since I'm in a hurry to parse some html... ====== proc wsplit { str sepStr } { set strList [list] set sepLength [string length $sepStr] while {[set index [string first $sepStr $str]] != -1} { while { [set index [string first $sepStr $str]] != "-1" } { set left [string range $str 0 [expr $index + $sepLength - 1]] set str [string range $str [expr $index + $sepLength + 1] end] lappend strList $left } return $strList } So what should you use when you don't care how many spaces were between tokens, you just want the nonblank tokens in the list and none of the separators? ''-- [escargo]'' [RS]: Easy, just use a filter: proc filter {cond list} { set res {} foreach element $list {if [$cond $element] {lappend res $element}} set res } % filter llength [split "a list with many spaces"] a list with many spaces ... or use % split [regsub -all {[ \t\n]+} "a list with many spaces" { }] ... or use % lreplace "a list with many spaces" 0 -1 ---- See [Counting characters in a string] where [split] was pretty good... ---- See also the man page at http://www.purl.org/tcl/home/man/tcl8.4/TclCmd/split.htm . ---- [Splitting strings with embedded strings] - [list] ---- [Tcl syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Command]