stderr is one of the [stdio] output files opened - applications and functions tend to use it for the output of error messages. [[Explain common idioms for management of stderr from subprocesses.]] [bgexec] [[ [exec] conventions]] ---- Pure Tcl programs ''write'' to stderr in two ways: * "puts stderr $msg" gives fine-grained control; * "[error] $message" generally has the effect of reporting a diagnostic [traceback] to stderr (except if prevented by an outer [catch], or in [wish] which pops up an error info window instead). ---- Often people ask how to [open] a [pipeline] to a command and read both its [stdout] and stderr. One recent example of how to do this was: set fd1 [open "|somecmd |& cat" "r"] (if your system has a command named cat in the default path). ---- See also [stdout], [stdin], [stdio] ---- What category should this page be in? "infrastructure?" "Glossary"?