In my Linux Mint, Tcl/Tk 8.6.1 is pre-installed, and Iʼm not willed to install manually a newer version. But, Iʼd like to have [string cat] subcommand. This happens on try: % info patchlevel 8.6.1 % string cat a b c unknown or ambiguous subcommand "cat": must be bytelength, compare, (... cut off) % The string command is made by [namespace ensemble] so I add this sub-command if not yet existing: ====== if {[info command ::tcl::string::cat] eq ""} then { proc ::tcl::string::cat args {::join $args ""} apply { map { dict set map cat ::tcl::string::cat namespace ensemble configure string -map $map } } [namespace ensemble configure string -map] } ====== From now on it woks on my Tcl installation. % string cat a b c abc % Done.