[Richard Suchenwirth] 2013-11-07 - [Everything is a string], and every string has its [string length]. But if we want to display a string in a [text] widget with tight fitting (i.e. just the right size, not too big, not too small), we need to specify the geometry of a string, i.e. its width and heigth. If we disregard word wrapping, things are very easy: set height [regexp -all \n $str\n] I have appended an extra newline at the end, because many strings don't have (and in fact don't need) it. Perfectionists may first do [string trimright] before that. And here's the width of a string: proc string_width str { set w 0 foreach line [split $str \n] { set length [string length $line] if {$length > $w} {set w $length} } return $w } <>Example