'''string trimleft''' ''string ?chars?'' Returns a value equal to ''string'' except that any leading characters from the set given by ''chars'' are removed. If ''chars'' is not specified then white space is removed (spaces, tabs, newlines, and carriage returns). [WJP] In my experience perhaps the most common use of 'string trimleft' with non-default arguments, that is, to trim something other than whitespace, is stripping of leading zeroes so that tcl will not mistakenly think that a number is octal. The usual usage ( [[string trimleft $foo 0]]) however leads to a subtle and typically sporadic bug: if the argument is "0", the result of trimming the leading zero is to eliminate the string entirely. The error messages that this generates are not very helpful - typically you'll get something like "not enough arguments". Here's a little procedure that does the right thing: proc TrimLeadingZeroes {n} { set trimmed [string trimleft $n 0] if {[string length $trimmed] == 0} { return "0"; } else { return $trimmed; } } I suggest always using such a procedure. Not only does it avoid forgetting to handle this case, but it avoids breaking the functional programming style. ---- See also: * [string] * [string trim] * [string trimright] ---- [Tcl syntax help] - [Category Command]