[RS] 2013-06-28 -- We can treat a [list] as a "sequence" of elements, and it can sometimes be useful to enumerate all subsequences of a sequence. The code for the '''subseq''' function in [Tally: a string counter gadget] produces only contiguous subsequences, e.g. for the sequence '''A B C''' it returns A A B B B C A B C Note that "A C" is missing. The following code produces both contiguous and incontiguous subsequences. It basically assigns N bits to the elements of the sequence of N elements, and uses each if the bit is 1. The iteration can be done with counting from 1 to pow(2,N)-1, avoiding both trivial cases of the empty and the full sequence. proc subseq lst { set res {} set max [expr pow(2,[llength $lst])-1] for {set i 1} {$i < $max} {incr i} { set tmp {} foreach bit [bits $i [llength $lst]] el $lst { if $bit {lappend tmp $el} } lappend res $tmp } lsort $res } #-- helper function proc bits {x n} { set res {} while {[llength $res] < $n} { lappend res [expr {$x%2}] set x [expr {$x/2}] } return $res } Testing: % subseq {a b c d} a {a b} {a b c} {a b d} {a c} {a c d} {a d} b {b c} {b c d} {b d} c {c d} d <>Algorithms