GUI construct in the lower right-hand corner, '''not''' the taskbar, that ... (RS adds:) holds little icons with mouse-over balloon behavior, and on double-click bring up minimized windows. Typically there are at least speaker volume control and clock; the Task manager also makes a tray icon that indicates CPU usage. ** See Also ** [KDE]: Includes information about targeting the KDE system tray from Tcl. [|%Freedesktop System Tray]: An open specification. See [|%freedock] [TIP] [|%#325]: System Tray Access: A proposal to integrate systray functionality into [Tk]. ** [Microsoft Windows] ** [winico] or Win32api are necessary to manage the system tray. [TWAPI] 3.1|%systemtray%|% command also provides for manipulating system tray icons and balloon help. To get any associated context menus to disappear when a pointer click occurs elsewhere, see [|%Using Twapi 3.1 - SystemTray AddIcon], [comp.lang.tcl], 2011-10-04. [|%PRB: Menus for Notification Icons Do Not Work Correctly], Q135788. The [winico] page contains a TWAPI example. ---- [Tom Wilkason] posted to [comp.lang.tcl]: "Here is an example from an [http] server that hides itself in the [taskbar] ... ====== ;## ;# Callback to handle taskbar icon events ;# proc ht:iconCallback { message ico wparam lparam x y } { switch -- $message { WM_LBUTTONDOWN { wm deiconify . } WM_RBUTTONDOWN { wm withdraw . } default {} } ;# End Switch } ;# # ;# Make window dissapear when it is minimized ;# if {[catch { package require Winico if {[winico info] == ""} { ;# Let GUI settle before setting icon update set ico [winico_seticon . [file join $home .. bin tclhttp.ico]] winico text $ico {tchHttp Web Server} winico taskbar add $ico \ -callback [list ht:iconCallback %m %i %w %l %x %y] proc Minimize {w} { wm withdraw . console hide } } ;# end if } result]} { console show puts stderr "$result" } else { wm withdraw . } ====== ---- [TFW] 2004-03-03: Incidentally, there are distributions of winico that contain much more than is needed. You can use the following script to interface to the dll. Just save it as winico.tcl and create a package entry in the `pkgIndex.tcl` file for Winico 0.3. In `pkgIndex.tcl`: ======none package ifneeded Winico 0.3 [list source [file join $dir winico.tcl]] ====== in `winico.tcl` ====== ;# ************************************************************************* ;# * File : winico.tcl ;# * Purpose: Provide wrapper functions for the winico package ;# * Loads the winico dll first. ;# ************************************************************************* load [file join [file dirname [info script]] winico03.dll] ############################################################################### # Function : winico_seticon # Description: Be smart about selecting the most appropriate icon from the # icon file. ############################################################################### proc winico_seticon { w icofile } { set ico [winico create $icofile] set screendepth [winfo screendepth .] set bigsize "32x32" set bigpos -1 set bigdepth 0 set smallsize "16x16" set smallpos -1 set smalldepth 0 foreach i [winico info $ico] { array set opts $i set depth $opts(-bpp) set pos $opts(-pos) set geometry $opts(-geometry) if { $geometry=="$bigsize" && $depth<=$screendepth } { if { $depth>$bigdepth } { set bigpos $pos set bigdepth $depth } } elseif { $geometry=="$smallsize" && $depth<=$screendepth } { if { $depth>$smalldepth } { set smallpos $pos set smalldepth $depth } } } if { $bigpos==-1 && $smallpos==-1 } { puts stderr "couldn't find $bigsize and $smallsize icons in $icofile" return $ico } elseif { $bigpos==-1 } { set bigpos $smallpos puts stderr "couldn't find $bigsize icons in $icofile" } elseif { $smallpos==-1 } { set smallpos $bigpos puts stderr "couldn't find $smallsize icons in $icofile" } puts stderr "big icon is $bigsize,bpp:$bigdepth,pos:$bigpos" puts stderr "small icon is $smallsize,bpp:$smalldepth,pos:$smallpos" winico setwindow $w $ico big $bigpos winico setwindow $w $ico small $smallpos return $ico } ############################################################################### # Function : winico_delall # Description: Remove all icon instances ############################################################################### proc winico_delall {} { foreach i [winico info] { winico delete $i } } ############################################################################### # Function : winico_loadicon # Description: Set up all big/small icons for a specified window ############################################################################### proc winico_loadicon { w symbol } { set ico [winico load $symbol] winico setwindow $w $ico big winico setwindow $w $ico small } package provide Winico 0.3 ====== ---- '''[JMN] - 2021-10-07 14:17:34''' I've used winico and twapi before to create a system tray icon with a popup context menu activated by button3 tk systray is nice to have built in now (especially as it enables use of 'tk sysnotify') - but I'm at a loss as to how to get the mouse click x and y coordinates in order to post my menu. Any hints? ---- '''[JMN] - 2021-10-10 04:02:48''' The answer is of course as simple as \[winfo pointerx .] and \[winfo pointery .] I hadn't realized that this works outside the application windows - nice. <> Package | GUI