Version 2 of table

Updated 2006-05-31 11:04:01 by suchenwi

Currently there are several implementations of a table widget.

  • BLT contains a widget command called table, and installs a man page of table.n
  • tktable creates a widget command called table and installs its doc as tkTable (even though to require the package, you use Tktable).
 [[Please update the above list to document other examples]]

RS 2006-05-31: As data structures, tables (taken as rectangular matrixes of strings) can be well represented as a list of lists. Here is code for pretty-printing such a list, the resulting string looking (in fixed-pitch font only) like a table again:

 proc fmtable table {
    set maxs {}
    foreach item [lindex $table 0] {
        lappend maxs [string length $item]
    foreach row [lrange $table 1 end] {
        set i 0
        foreach item $row max $maxs {
            if {[string length $item]>$max} {
                lset maxs $i [string length $item]
            incr i
    set head +
    foreach max $maxs {append head -[string repeat - $max]-+}
    set res $head\n
    foreach row $table {
        append res |
        foreach item $row max $maxs {append res [format " %-${max}s |" $item]}
        append res \n
    append res $head

#-- Testing:

 set data {
    {1 short "long field content"}
    {2 "another long one" short}
    {3 "" hello}
 puts [fmtable $data]

#-- shows

 | 1 | short            | long field content |
 | 2 | another long one | short              |
 | 3 |                  | hello              |

Category Discussion Category Widget