so that debugging/checking can be done easily, I will provide a working sample of what gets $::fd line ;#-- read a line from socket would have in it when I want this bot to trigger its actions. :Zimmy! PRIVMSG #help :1d20 this is the message portion of the raw data heres the IRC bot. set ::server set ::chan #omen-heart set ::me "dicebot_[expr round([expr rand() * 10000])]" proc random {sides} { ############################################## #generates random numbers given 'sides' sided# #dice works # # Sides=number of sides to a dice # ############################################## return [expr round([expr rand() * $sides])] } proc roller {name number sides} { ######################################################### #calls random proc 'number times and returns the results# ######################################################### set incriment 0 set rolled "$name rolled" set total 0 while {$incriment != $number} { append rolled " " set temp [random $sides] append rolled $temp incr incriment set total [expr $temp+$total] ######### } append rolled " total= $total" return $rolled } proc matcher {input} { ###################################################################################################### #proc searches for a string matching (1d20, ect) and returns it if it exists, otherwise, it returns 0# # works! # # rolls using this dicebot must have the rolling info seperated by a comma # ###################################################################################################### if {[regexp {[0-9]*[dD][0-9]+} $input]} { split $input " " return [set input [lindex $input 0]] } return 0 } ########################################################################### #preceding function splits the output of matcher (x*d/Dx* into a list # #that contains only the two rolling elements (number sides) # ########################################################################### ############################# ##Start IRC client software## ############################# proc roll_formatter {input} { set input [string tolower $input] set input [split $input d] set number [lindex $input 0] set sides [lindex $input 1] return "$number $sides" } proc recv {} { gets $::fd line ;#-- read a line from socket if {[lindex [split $line] 0] eq "PING"} { send "PONG [lindex [split $line] 1]" return #ping/pong relationship with server } if {[regexp {:([^!]*)![^ ].* +PRIVMSG ([^ :]+) +:(.*)} $line} { set temp [split $line :] set message [split [lindex $temp 2] " "] set name_long [lindex $temp 1] set name_short [split $name_long !] ; set name_short [lindex $name_short 0] set room [split $line #] ; set room [lindex $room 1] ; set room [split $room " "] ; set room "#[lindex $room 0]" set room [split $line #] ; set room [lindex $room 1] ; set room [split $room " "] ; set room "#[lindex $room 0]" #splits the text received in $line into a few parts, the most important being # the roll that was called #and the message that called it (store in $message ex: 1d20 this is a roll) if {[regexp {[0-9]*[dD][0-9]+} $message]} { #call the dicebot when $message starts with a dicebot call set roll [matcher $message] set roll [roll_formatter $roll] set roll [roller $name_short [lindex $roll 0] [lindex $roll 1]] send "PRIVMSG $::chan :$roll" } } } proc send {str} { ####################################################################### # A very simple wrapper for sending a string, not forgetting to flush;# # is called from within post procedure # ####################################################################### puts $::fd $str flush $::fd } # And now, the action begins with "logging in" to the IRC server set ::fd [socket $::server 6667] send "NICK $::me" send "USER $::me 0 * :PicoIRC user" after 500 send "JOIN $::chan" # If the socket gets readable, recv will be called fileevent $::fd readable recv ---- [davou] I've edited the function roll_formatter down so that it's much shorter... I've gotten the bot to connect to IRC, and join the channel mentioned in $::chan, but it leaves just as fast as it gets in... does anyone know why it's doing this? - [RS]: Easiest way to find out is to add ''puts $line'' right after the ''gets $::fp line'' and see what comes in. ---- Just a few comments on the Tcl usage... No need to nest the expr's in: set ::me "dicebot_[expr round([expr rand() * 10000])]" return [expr round([expr rand() * $sides])] Just do: set ::me "dicebot_[expr round(rand() * 10000)]" return [expr round(rand() * $sides)] Also: set incriment 0 set rolled "$name rolled" set total 0 while {$incriment != $number} { append rolled " " set temp [random $sides] append rolled $temp incr incriment set total [expr $temp+$total] } This looks awfully like it should be a for loop. Also, the double append is redundant: set total 0 for {set i 0 } { $i < $number } { incr i } { set rolled "$name rolled" set temp [random $sides] append rolled " $temp" set total [expr $temp+$total] } And lastly, I believe your random proc contains an error - its return value is 0 to $sides rather than 1 to $sides, so maybe use: proc random {sides} { return [expr int(rand() * $sides) + 1] } instead? ---- See also [irc] ---- [Category Internet]