Version 0 of tclJBlend

Updated 2016-08-11 10:35:00 by ABU


tclJBlend 2.0a1 (alpha release)

tclJBlend (aka "TJB") is a new fork of TclBlend ( ), a Tcl extension that uses JNI to communicate with a Java interpreter.

Why a fork ?

The TJB's API is identical to the original Tclblend's API (See the "Tcl/Java Package Commands" )
What changes is that:

  • TJB can run on all the most popular platform (Windows,Linux,MacOS), and it works with all version of Tcl and Java JVM (*well, few exceptions, explained later*).
    • This means that - with no need of rebuild - you can install/copy TJB on Win/Linux/Mac, and moreover, once installed, you are also free to change/upgrade the underlyng Tcl or JVM - again, with no need to rebuild TJB .
  • TJB is delivered in a single, multi-platform package, ready to run on all the most popular platforms.
  • TJB is available for Windows (32/64 bit), Linux (32/64 bit) and MacOsX
  • TJB does not depend on a specific version of the Tcl interpreter.

With few exception, you can run TJB from any "tclsh", "Wish" or even "tclkit" .. (*Note:1)

  • TJB doesn not depend on a specific version of Java runtime (JVM). (*Note:2)