'''tclcairo''' Swig based binding for tcl for the [cairo] library. Can be used to produce, png, pdf, ps and svg files using the same API. Provided as a starkit for Tclkit 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 with compiled binaries for Win32-x86 and Linux-x86 * Author: [DDG] * Where: ** https://bitbucket.org/mittelmark/tcl-code/downloads/tclcairo1.10.2.kit (Win32-x86, Linux-x86); ** https://bitbucket.org/mittelmark/tcl-code/downloads/tclwin32cairo1.10.2.kit (Win32-x86, Linux-x86) with [Ffidl] based loading of cairo, png and zlib-dlls on Windows Example session: usern@eibe(7:1441):mytcl$ tclkit-8.4.19 % source tclcairo1.10.2.kit % package require cairo 0.1 % glob tclcairo1.10.2.kit/lib/* tclcairo1.10.2.kit/lib/tclcairo1.10.2 glob tclcairo1.10.2.kit/lib/*/* tclcairo1.10.2.kit/lib/tclcairo1.10.2/cairo-test.tcl tclcairo1.10.2.kit/lib/tclcairo1.10.2/cairo.i tclcairo1.10.2.kit/lib/tclcairo1.10.2/libcairo.dll tclcairo1.10.2.kit/lib/tclcairo1.10.2/libcairo.so tclcairo1.10.2.kit/lib/tclcairo1.10.2/pkgIndex.tcl % lrange [lsort [info commands cairo::*]] 0 10 ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t_header ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t_header_get ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t_header_length_get ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t_header_length_set ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t_header_type_get ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t_header_type_set ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t_point ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t_point_get ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t_point_x_get ::cairo::_cairo_path_data_t_point_x_set % source tclcairo1.10.2.kit/lib/tclcairo1.10.2/cairo-test.tcl % exit usern@eibe(7:1442):mytcl$ ls -lt | head insgesamt 55828 -rw-r--r-- 1 usern users 254 7. Mär 15:07 cairo-test2.png -rw-r--r-- 1 usern users 929 7. Mär 15:07 test.pdf -rw-r--r-- 1 usern users 2503 7. Mär 15:07 test.ps -rw-r--r-- 1 usern users 484 7. Mär 15:07 test.svg If the library loading on windows fails try the larger windows starkit which contains as well cairo, zip and png shared libs. You have to use the C-Api documentation provided here: http://cairographics.org/manual/ A tcl wrapper using an OO-framework like [Snit] or [Itcl] would be greet in making it more tclish. <>Enter Category Here