What: tclcsharp Where: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclcsharp Description: Tcl/CSharp is an implementation of a Tcl interpreter written entirely in C#. Tcl/CSharp was ported from Jacl (Tcl Java implementation) in version 1.3.1 It offer a bridge to .NET Framework for Tcl code. Updated: 12/2004 Contact: [Artur Trzewik] --- Some code examples that shows where tclcsharp can be valueable: # example how to use .NET Framework for accessing web package require java java::load -gac System.dll set webclient [java::new System.Net.WebClient] # it can be used alos for https set bytearr [$webclient DownloadData http://www.google.de] puts [[java::call System.Text.Encoding get_UTF8] GetString $bytearr] # example how to use .NET Framework for doing XML per DOM package require java java::load -gac System.Xml.dll set doc [java::new System.Xml.XmlDocument] set node [$doc CreateElement tclsharp] $doc AppendChild $node $node AppendChild [$doc CreateTextNode "is usable for many things"] puts [[$doc get_DocumentElement] get_OuterXml] # accessing operation system package require java java::load -gac System.dll set procs [java::call System.Diagnostics.Process GetProcesses] for {set x 0} {$x<[$procs length]} {incr x} { set proc [$procs get $x] puts [format "%4s %15s %2s %20s" [java::prop $proc Id] \ [java::prop $proc ProcessName] [java::prop $proc BasePriority] \ [java::prop $proc MainWindowTitle]] }