[epeg] is a super-fast library for resizing JPEGs. It offers an improvement of at least an order of magnitude over other known libraries like '''ImageMagick'''. Here are some numbers indicative of its speed: $ time ./tclepeg test.jpeg test.jpg real 0m0.063s user 0m0.060s sys 0m0.000s $ time convert -resize 426x640 test.jpeg test.jpg real 0m1.158s user 0m1.048s sys 0m0.052s In the above example the improvement is 18 fold. ''test.jpeg'' is a 2592x3888 image that is resized to a 426x640 one using the [epeg] library. '''Convert''' is ImageMagick's convert utility. It took ''epeg'' 63 msec to do the conversion against 1158 msec for ImageMagick. These timings include reading/writing to disk. '''tclepeg''' takes about '''1 msec''' to do the conversion in memory, on the same system. [tclepeg] brings '''epeg''''s functionality to TCL by means of a binary Linux library that can be [load]ed into a TCL program. A package for Linux and the 32bit i386 architecture is provided together with the source code at http://github.com/dzach/tclepeg Usage (v0.4): epeg ?options ...? jpegdata Options: -width image_width -height image_height -quality image_quality (1-100, default 50) -max max_dimension (default 64) Usage example: load ./tclepeg.so # read in a JPEG image set fd [open test.jpeg] fconfigure $fd -translation binary set img [read $fd] close $fd # write reduced image set fd [open out.jpeg w] fconfigure $fd -translation binary # let tclepeg do the work puts -nonewline $fd [epeg -width 320 -height 240 -quality 50 $img] close $fd provided the ''tclepeg.so'' library is in the present working directory directory. [MHo]: Will it compile on windows? <>Image Processing