What: Tclmake (formerly notmake) Where: http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/%7Ejohnr/code/tclmake/ Description: Simple make-like utility written in Tcl and used when you need make like support for Tcl installation but the platform may not have make. Updated: 02/2000 Contact: mailto:johnr@kahn.eecs.berkeley.edu (John Reekie) ---- see also [make] ---- Above link to tclmake is now dead. Try http://www.tmk-site.org/ which claims similar function but does not credit the above author. ''[escargo] 2 Aug 2005'' - That site now points to http://tmk.sourceforge.net/ as the projects home. [RLH] 2005-08-02: I see the Windows version in not working at this time. Is there another utility that does this for Windows? ---- [Category Application] | [Category Dev. Tools]