Version 10 of tclog

Updated 2014-07-20 08:03:52 by dbohdan
What Tclog
(working archive mirror of the project webpage and downloads)
(v1.2.1 code fork that adds FTP passive mode, Ttk GUI.)
Description Weblog application, with no server side script requirements.
Uploads entries via FTP. Has a Tk GUI. Features RSS 1.0, HTML templates, trackback, wiki like formatting rules, etc.
Updated 02/2004 (original), 07/2014 (fork)

escargo 2012-04-27 -- Attempted to check out the application, but following the link gives a message that says the project doesn't exist.

dbohdan 2014-07-19: Added a Wayback Machine mirror. Mirrored code in a Fossil repository.

See also RSS, HTML, FTP, wiki, weblog, static site generator.