What: tclperl Where: http://jfontain.free.fr/tclperl.htm Description: Tcl extenson which allows you to create Perl interpreters from within a Tcl application and evaluate Perl code. Currently at version 3.1.0 . Updated: 02/2001 Contact: mailto:jfontain@free.fr (Jean-Luc Fontaine ) Of related interest are "[Ways to execute Perl programs from Tcl]". --- DEBIAN INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS Unfortunalely No debian package for this exist.Tarball package has no make or configure , direct "cc" and it runs into lot of integration issues Very poor or no packaging . People who are enthusiastic to try out this are warned that all these plumbing work needs to be done to install it on debian. problems encountered: First it could not find tcl.h , then I installed tcl-dev. Then it said -lperl not found. Instructions for installing it on Debian/testing: Install tcl-dev. Add -I/usr/include/tcl to cc arguments Install libperl-dev. Then follow the instructions as per INSTALL file --vkv ---- [Category Package]