This screenshot is the result of a days hacking, in response to a little challenge. My nephew wrote this little nifty script in perl that grabs a screen shot, and loads it to his webserver. Not much to it, really, but, cool, anyway, since the kid's all of 16 (but a genius). So, I looked at his script, and said, hmmm...I could do that in tcl/tk, wrap it in a gui, and give it more features. Mine (which you can see in my text editor in the screenshot) grabs a screenshot, then show the user a preview in a tcl/tk window, then allows the user to upload it to the server, then, allows the user to open the url to which it has been uploaded in a browser, just to check. The guys on #tcl at freenode were very helpful, however, so, I can't take all the credit. My nephew's script uses scp to copy the file over to the remote server, and I was able to use that here, to make an image and copy it to another machine on my network, but, my server doesn't allow ssh access, so, I had to figure out how to do it with ftp. Now, I've only used ftp with a gui client like gftp before. I could have called on lftp, or something, but, I wanted to learn to do it the tcl way, and I did (with help). But, hey: SUCCESS! WIN WIN That'll show the little upstart! (of whom I am quite proud) (bah...perl...Tcl/tk can do anything perl can, and with more grace...ha!) #!/usr/bin/env wish8.5 # tclscreen copyright tony baldwin - global filename global host global path global username global password global url wm title . "Tickle Screen" grid [ttk::label .hq -text "Enter the remote host:"]\ [ttk::entry .host -textvariable host] grid [ttk::label .pathq -text "Enter the path: "]\ [ttk::entry .path -textvariable path] grid [ttk::label .unam -text "Enter your username: "]\ [ttk::entry .uname -textvariable username] grid [ttk::label .pwrd -text "Enter your password: "]\ [ttk::entry .pswrd -show -textvariable password"] grid [ttk::label .fname -text "Enter the filename for the image: "]\ [ttk::entry .filename -textvariable filename] grid [ttk::button .go -text "take screenshot" -command {shoot}] proc shoot {} { exec import -window root "$::filename" # exec fbgrab $::filename" exec gthumb "$::filename" & } grid [ttk::button .send -text "upload image" -command {upshot}] proc upshot {} { set url "$::host/$::path/$::filename" exec scp $::filename $::username@$::host:$::path & toplevel .url text insert end "Your image is at $::host/$::path/$::filename" frame .url.btn ttk::button .url.btn.b -text "open in browser" -command {browse} pack -in .url pack .url.btn -in .url pack .url.btn.b -in .url.btn } proc browse {} { set filetypes " " tk_messageBox -message "You have not chosen a browser for this session.\ Let's set the browser now." -type ok -title "Set browser" set brow [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $filetypes] exec $brow $::host/$::path/$::filename & } # This program was written by tony baldwin - # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!