Version 13 of tclscreen

Updated 2008-08-22 15:21:20 by tonytraductor

tonytraductor : This screenshot is the result of a days hacking, in response to a little challenge.

My nephew wrote this this nifty little script little nifty script in perl that grabs a screen shot, and loads it to his webserver. Not much to it, really, but, cool, anyway, since the kid's all of 16 (but a genius).

So, I looked at his script, and said, hmmm...I could do that in tcl/tk, wrap it in a gui, and give it more features. Mine (which you can see in my text editor in the screenshot) waits the user configured delay, grabs a screenshot, then shows the user a preview in a tcl/tk window, then allows the user to upload it to the server, then, allows the user to open the url to which it has been uploaded in a browser, just to check it there, and to get the url for quick posting to a blog or profile, etc. (ie. livejournal or myspace or some such nonsense).

The guys on #tcl at freenode were very helpful, however, so, I can't take all the credit.

My nephew's script uses scp to copy the file over to the remote server, and I was able to use that here, to make an image and copy it to another machine on my network, but, my server doesn't allow ssh access, so, I had to figure out how to do it with ftp. Now, I've only used ftp with a gui client like gftp before. I could have called on lftp, or something, but, I wanted to learn to do it the tcl way, and I did (with help).

08/22/08 - I have added the feature of allowing the user to save "profiles" (ie. server info).

The code can be had here [L1 ]