Tclshapefile is a tcl-only package to read esri shapefiles (well at least points, polylines and polygones). It reads both the geometry (.shp) files and the attribute (.dbf) file. Data are returned as [dict]s. It uses the specific reader components shpreader and [dbfreader]. ---- ====== # $Id: tclshapefile.tcl,v 1.1 2012/01/02 16:18:03 joheid Exp $ # # package to read esri shapefiles # uses shpreader and dbfreader as components # (C) Joachim Heidemeier 2011 # published under the same license als Tcl # # methods # readShape # readCoords -> delegated # readAttributes -> delegated # getCoords -> delegated # getAttributes -> delegated # dbfInfo -> delegatd # shpInfo -> delegated # getRecord # readProjection # package require snit # specific reader packages package require shpreader.tcl package require dbfreader.tcl # # # # # # package provide shapefile 0.5 snit::type shapefile { # # components # component dbfReader delegate option -encoding to dbfReader delegate method attributes to dbfReader delegate method readAttributes to dbfReader as readData delegate method getAttributes to dbfReader as data delegate method dbfInfo to dbfReader as dbfInfo # component shpReader delegate option -bbox to shpReader delegate option -shapetype to shpReader delegate option -nrecords to shpReader delegate method readCoords to shpReader as readData delegate method getCoords to shpReader as coords delegate method shpInfo to shpReader # # options # # option -filename -validatemethod CheckFile -configuremethod ShapeFileName # # for use as component # option -partof # option -projection none # # variablen # variable status ;# interneral status set status(shpcheck) 0 set status(dbfcheck) 0 set status(projection) 0 set status(projectionfile) {} # # validatemethods # # checks whether a shp, shx and dbf and proj file is available # error if no shp & dbf # method CheckFile {option value} { set fn [file rootname $value] if {!([file exists $fn.shp] && [file exists $fn.shx] && [file exists $fn.dbf])} { error "$fn ist kein gültiger shapefile" } else { set status(shpcheck) 1 set status(dbfcheck) 1 } if {[file exists $fn.prj]} { set status(projection) 1 } } # # configuremethods # method ShapeFileName {option value} { set f [file rootname $value] set options(-filename) $f set status(projectionfile) ${f}.prj $dbfReader configure -filename ${f}.dbf $shpReader configure -filename ${f}.shp return } # # constructor {args} { install dbfReader using dbasefile %AUTO% -partof $self install shpReader using shpfile %AUTO% -partof $self $self configurelist $args } destructor { catch {$dbRreader destroy} catch {$shpReader destroy} } # # read the proj file # public methods method readProjection {} { if {$status(projection)} { set option(-projection) [read [open $status(projectionfile) r]] } } # # # opens shp, dbf and proj, set options # reads all data # method readShape {} { $shpReader readData $dbfReader readData if {[$shpReader cget -nrecords] != [lindex [$dbfReader dbfInfo] 0]} { error {different number of records in shp and dbf File} } $self readProjection } method getRow {recnr} { set x [dict create] if {[string is integer $recnr] && $recnr <= [$shpReader cget -nrecords]} { dict append x coords [dict get [$shpReader coords $recnr] $recnr] dict append x attributes [dict get [$dbfReader data $recnr] $recnr] } else {error "not existing record requested"} return $x } } # # if {0} { shapefile s1 -filename [tk_getOpenFile] s1 readShape set c [s1 getCoords 1] set a [s1 getAttributes 1] set x [s1 getRow 1] set t [s1 cget -shapetype] } ---- Now the shp-file reader: # $Id: shpreader.tcl,v 1.3 2012/01/02 16:17:40 joheid Exp $ # (C) Joachim Heidemeier # published under the same licence as Tcl # pure tcl snit object to read the files with the geometries in shapefiles (.shp files) # public methods # readData -- read and decode the file # coords -- outputs the coordinates of one or all geometric objects # shpInfo -- give information on internal details (mostly for inspection purposes) # shapetype, bounding box and number of geometric objects are available as (read-only) # obtions. # if {0} { The information on shapefile structure is taken from the ESRI shapefile documentation ( In the tables the first columns including ByteOrder/Content are taken from the documentation. A a shapefile consists of a 100 Byte long Header and subsequent records made up from an 8 byte record header and the record content. The record content structure is shapetype dependent. 1. Definition of Shape File Header (100 Bytes long), {II5Iiiqqqqqqqq} Position Field Value Type ByteOrder FormatSpecifier TclVariable ===================================================================================================== Byte 0 FileCode 9994 Integer Big I info(fc) Byte 4 Unused 0 Integer Big { discarded Byte 8 Unused 0 Integer Big discarded Byte 12 Unused 0 Integer Big I5 discarded Byte 16 Unused 0 Integer Big discarded Byte 20 Unused 0 Integer Big } discarded Byte 24 FileLength FileLength Integer Big I info(FLength),in Bytes Byte 28 Version 1000 Integer Little i discarded Byte 32 ShapeType ShapeType Integer Little i option(-shapetype) Byte 36 BoundingBox Xmin Double Little q { Byte 44 BoundingBox Ymin Double Little q Byte 52 BoundingBox Xmax Double Little q option(-bbox) Byte 60 BoundingBox Ymax Double Little q as dict, key coordname Byte 68* BoundingBox Zmin Double Little q { Byte 76* BoundingBox Zmax Double Little q if required, Byte 84* BoundingBox Mmin Double Little q else discarded Byte 92* BoundingBox Mmax Double Little q }} ===================================================================================================== * Unused, with value 0.0, if not Measured or Z type The value for file length is the total length of the file in 16-bit words (including the fifty 16-bit words that make up the header). Available shape types Value ShapeType Content supported =================================================== 0 NullShape Null y 1 Point P-Struct y 3 PolyLine PL-Struct y 5 Polygon PG-Struct y 8 MultiPoint 11 PointZ 13 PolyLineZ 15 PolygonZ 18 MultiPointZ 21 PointM 23 PolyLineM 25 PolygonM 28 MultiPointM 31 MultiPatch ====================================================== 2. Record Header fixed (8 bytes long) Position Field Value Type ByteOrder FormatSpecifier TclVariable ================================================================================================================================ Byte 0 RecordNumber RecordNumber Integer Big I IInfo(RecNR), Key für coords Dict Byte 4 ContentLength ContentLength Integer Big I info(RecNR,Rlength), in Bytes ================================================================================================================================= The content length for a record is the length of the record contents section measured in 16-bit words. Each record, therefore, contributes (4 + content length) 16-bit words toward the total length of the file, as stored at Byte 24 in the file header. 3. Record Content (variable length) ShapeType(4Bytes) + geometric data according to type returned Tcl Variable coords is a dict with RecordCount entries, key is RecNr value is list of X Y coordinates 3.1 Point-Struct Position Field Value Type Number ByteOrder FormatSpecifier TclVariable ============================================================================================================== Byte 0 ShapeType 1 Integer 1 Little i internal check Byte 4 X X Double 1 Little q coords Byte 12 Y Y Double 1 Little q coords ============================================================================================================== 3.2 Polyline-Struct consists of parts Position Field Value Type Number ByteOrder Remark TclVariable =============================================================================================================== Byte 0 ShapeType 3 Integer 1 Little internal check Byte 4 BBox BBox Double 4 Little xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax info(bbox,recNr) Byte 36 NumParts NumParts Integer 1 Little info(numParts,recNr) Byte 40 NumPoints NumPoints Integer 1 Little for all parts info(numPoints,recNr) Byte 44 Parts Parts Integer NumParts Little offset to first point of part, 0_indexed Byte X Points Points Point NumPoints Little no part delimiter Note: X = 44 + 4 * NumParts ================================================================================================================ 3.3 Polygon-Struct consists of rings, structure analogue to PL. Position Field Value Type Number ByteOrder Remark TclVariable ========================================================================================================== Byte 0 ShapeType 5 Integer 1 Little internal check Byte 4 BBox BBox Double 4 Little xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax Byte 36 NumParts NumParts Integer 1 Little Byte 40 NumPoints NumPoints Integer 1 Little for all rings Byte 44 Parts Parts Integer NumParts Little offset to first point of part, 0_indexed Byte X Points Points Point NumPoints Little no part delimiter Note: X = 44 + 4 * NumParts ============================================================================================================= } # # # package require snit # package provide shpreader 0.5 snit::type shpfile { variable TCL_OK 0 variable TCL_CONTINUE 3 # # # daten as list of lists variable coords variable info variable fh variable status ;# interner Status variable shapeTypes ;# gueltige shapes mit Nr / Namenmapping set status(shp_ok) 0 set status(shp_open) 0 set status(eof) 0 # options option -filename -configuremethod ShpFileName # ohne extension, die wird in configuremethod weggeworfen option -bbox -readonly yes ;# bounding Box wird aus shapefile gelesen # normally used as component option -partof # shapetype option -shapetype -default null -readonly yes option -nrecords -readonly yes # # configuremethods # method ShpFileName {option value} { # set options(-filename) "[file rootname $value].shp" return } # constructor {args} { # set status(read) 0 array set shapeTypes [list\ 0 Null\ 1 Point\ 8 MultiPoint\ 3 PolyLine\ 5 Polygon\ 21 PointM\ 28 MultiPointM\ 23 PolyLineM\ 25 PolygonM\ 11 PointZ\ 18 MultiPointZ\ 13 PolyLineZ\ 15 PolygonZ\ 31 MultiPatch] $self configurelist $args } # # reads and evalutes the header # stores relevant data in the info or options variable # method ReadHeader {} { # formatstring for binary scan accoring to table 1 set formatstring {II5Iiiqqqqqqqq} # set rec [read $fh 100] set status(eof) [eof $fh] if {!$status(eof)} { binary scan $rec $formatstring info(fc) tmp info(fLength) vers info(type) xm ym XM YM zm ZM mm MM # if {$info(fc) != 9994} { error {file is not a shp-file} } else { set info(fLength) [expr {2 * $info(fLength)}] set options(-shapetype) $shapeTypes($info(type)) set options(-bbox) [dict create XMin $xm YMin $ym XMax $XM YMax $YM] if {$info(type) > 8} { if {$info(type) < 21} { dict append options(-bbox) ZMin $zm dict append options(-bbox) ZMax $ZM } else { dict append options(-bbox) MMin mm dict append options(-bbox) MMax MM } } return $TCL_OK } } else { return $TCL_CONTINUE } } # # open File or raise error # method OpenShpFile {} { if {[catch {open $options(-filename)} res]} { return -code error $res } set fh $res set status(shp_open) 1 fconfigure $fh -translation binary return $TCL_OK } # # decode a point record # proc getPoint {rcont} { if {[string length $rcont != 20]} {error "wrong contentlength in getPoint [string length $rcont] instead of 20"} binary scan $rcont iq2 t c if {$t != 1} {error "wrong shapetype in getPoint $t instead 1"} return [dict create p $c] } # # Polyline and Polygone need the same algorithm # returns a dict over parts # proc getPoly {selfns type recnr rcont} { set pp 0 set offset 0 set tmp [dict create] # get type and check, we assume one type per file binary scan $rcont i t if {$t != $type} {error "wrong shapetype in getPoly $t instead $type"} set offset 4 ;#start of data section # get record info binary scan $rcont @${offset}q4ii bbox npart npoint set info(bbox,$recnr) $bbox set info(numParts,$recnr) $npart set info(numPoints,$recnr) $npoint set offset 44 ;#start of variable section # get part-offsets set formatstring "@${offset}i$npart" binary scan $rcont $formatstring ofs set offset [expr {44 + 4* $npart }] # set end of last part lappend ofs $npoint # build formatstring and varlist for scan set formatstring "@$offset" set varlist [list] set keylist [list] for {set i 0} {$i < $npart} {incr i} { set start [lindex $ofs $i] set end [expr {[lindex $ofs $i+1] -1}] set np [expr {$end - $start} +1] set nfloat [expr {$np * 2}] append formatstring "q$nfloat" set pp [expr {$pp + $np}] lappend keylist part${i} } set varlist $keylist # # the conversion # binary scan $rcont $formatstring {*}$varlist # # the return value # foreach key $keylist var $varlist { dict append tmp $key [set $var] } if {$pp != $npoint} {error "wrong number of points"} return $tmp } # # method GetNextRecord # reads one record # assign it to dict # method GetNextRecord {} { # first the RecordHeader set headerFormat II set header [read $fh 8] set status(eof) [eof $fh] if {!$status(eof)} { binary scan $header $headerFormat recNr contentLength set contentLengthBytes [expr {$contentLength *2}] } else { return $TCL_CONTINUE } set content [read $fh $contentLengthBytes] set status(eof) [eof $fh] if {!$status(eof)} { switch -exact -- $info(type) { 0 {dict append coords $recNr {}} 1 { dict append coords "$recNr" [getPoint $content] } 3 { dict append coords "$recNr" [getPoly $selfns $info(type) $recNr $content] } 5 { dict append coords "$recNr" [getPoly $selfns $info(type) $recNr $content] } default {error "unsupported shape type in GetNextRecord"} } set info(recnr) $recNr return $TCL_OK } else { return $TCL_CONTINUE } } # # public methods # read the file # method readData {} { if {!$status(read)} { $self OpenShpFile $self ReadHeader set retval [$self GetNextRecord] while {$retval == $TCL_OK} { set retval [$self GetNextRecord] } set options(-nrecords) $info(recnr) set status(read) 1 if {[catch {close $fh} msg]} { unset fh return -code error -errorcode $errorCode $msh } return $TCL_OK } else { error {file already read} } } # # retrieve the coords # of one record or all # argument # # method coords {{recnr all}} { if {"$recnr" eq "all"} { return $coords } elseif {[string is integer $recnr] && $recnr <= $info(recnr)} { return [dict filter $coords key $recnr] } else {error "Record $recnr not available"} } # # return internal infos from info array # what is optional pattern # method shpInfo {{what all}} { if {"$what" eq "all"} { return [array get info] } else { set s [array get info $what] if {[llenth $s]} { return $s } else { return "info $what not available" } } } } ====== <> Package