... [LV] Test driven development is so neat - I don't know why people are not taught to program in that style more often. Mark suggests that there's a [Tcl] heritage of this style. It would be neat to put up a log of the way this style of development worked, using Tcl, for some relatively simple [Tcl/Tk] application some time... [sheila] We've been collecting thoughts on this where I work on our own wiki. The cppunit wiki has a nice collection of notes to use as a touchstone for thoughts on the concept, and for a tclunit tool. [MR] I've been developing [ProjectForum] using TDD. Basic approach is like all other TDD... for any new thing or bug fix in the code, write a test that fails, write code to do what you want, iterate until test passes. Tcl already ships with the excellent 'tcltest' which we use for running all the tests. PF has two levels of tests... lower-level unit tests that exercise all the itcl classes that do the behind-the-scenes stuff, and more functional tests that exercise it at the feature level, via the normal web interface. The latter is still done with tcltest, relying on the http package, an html parser, and a bunch of other cobbled together utilities to make it easier. [LV] So, the tests in tcltest are written before the Tcl code is written to implement the features? I just figured they were all testing cases of bugs that were reported after the fixes were in. [MR] yes, tests get written before a new feature gets put into the code [[... [agile] ...]] [[... http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?CodeUnitTestFirst ...]] ---- [Category Concept]