Tcl has long traditions in testing [[put in some general-purpose testing reference here--Beizer, ...]]. Especially notable are [Expect], Oracle, Sybase [], NASA [], and other projects. Please use this page to document success stories and information on how Tcl has been used and can be used to build a working test environment. And don't forget about the [tcltest] package, which is a test harness for writing and running tests in the Tcl test suite or for creating a customized test harness for an extension. It includes both documentation and a huge set of examples (the Tcl and Tk test suites). See also [Stress testing]. [Jacks] is a Java compiler testing framework that was developed for open source Java compiler projects because the official Sun development kits have not been released. Jacks rivals the Sun kits in capability, and may soon even have the same number of compatibility tests. The Dart framework produces the pretty test status dashboards that one sees for [Vtk] at []. It's open source; the CVS repository for vtk is cvs -d checkout VTK Password is "vtk". The repository for dart is cvs checkout Dart Password is "dart" ---- In response to a question about testing C and Java from Tcl, [Cameron Laird] responded eloquently: "Tcl is the single most successful language for test automation of the kind you're describing. That's so undeniable that I'd forgotten it deserves to be documented for new generations of developers. [DejaGnu] is the testing framework that's made gcc possible. Companies like Oracle and Sybase have MILLIONS of lines of Tcl testing code on which they rely to assure the operation of their 'flagship' products. Given enough motivation, I could do a whole book on use of Tcl in testing. Tcl tests automobile engines, emergency telephone circuits, chemical sensors, microprocessors, rocket components, industrial ovens, and much, much more. In the absence of any other knowledge, ANY software project should think of Tcl as its first choice for testing." What more do you need? ---- [LV] responds - ''I know what '''I''' need - help knowing where and how to get started.'' ---- Articles: * Cameron Laird's article about [Mo DeJong], detailing the benefits of a strong regression test policy. [,,12421_630531,00.html] * Michael J. Norton's "Network Test Automation with Mac OS X and Tcl" [] * Ahmet C. Keskin, Till I. Patzchke, and Ernst vonVoight. "TclTk: A Strong Basis for Complex Load Testing Systems." ''Proc. 7th Intl. Tcl/Tk Conf.'' Austin, Texas: USENIX, 14--18 February 2000, pp. 53--60. [] * Carsten H. Lawrenz and Rajkumar Madhuram. "Using Tcl to Build a Buzzword-Compliant Environment That Glues Together Legacy Analysis Programs" ''Proc. 7th Intl. Tcl/Tk Conf.'' Austin, Texas: USENIX, 14--18 February 2000, pp. 61--70. [] * Paul Amaranth. "A Tcl-based Multithreaded Test Harness." ''Proc. 6th Intl. Tcl/Tk Conf.'' San Diego, California: USENIX, 14--18 September 1998, pp. 69--78. [] * C. Allen Flick and S. Dixson. "Using TCL/TK for an Automatic Test Engine." ''Proc. 6th Intl. Tcl/Tk Conf.'' San Diego, California: USENIX, 14--18 September 1998, pp. 79--88. [] * Steven Grady, G. S. Madhusudan, and Marc Sugiyama. "QuaSR: A Large-Scale Automated, Distributed Testing Environment." ''Proc. 4th Intl. Tcl/Tk Conf.'' Monterey, Calif.: USENIX, 10--13 July 1998, pp. 61--68. [] * David E. Smyth. "Tcl and concurrent object-oriented flight softwae: Tcl on Mars." ''Proc 2nd Tcl/Tk Workshop.'' New Orleans: CPU, 23--25 June, 1994, pp. 3--10. [] * [Arjen Markus]' paper "Generating test programs with TestMake" [] * ... * [[ [Android], ...]] * ... ---- The Open CASCADE 3D modeling application development platform relies on Tcl for its testing framework []. ---- [AutoIt] [] is a Windows-specific DLL that can simulate key presses, mouse movements, and so on. It '''looks''' like something that would be fun to wrap with Tcl. I know of no one who's done that, though ... [MPJ] ~ I just added the [Ffidl] wrapper code to access all the AutoIt functions here []. ---- More testing products: [cwind], [WinTclSend], ...