[Reinhard Max] - 2004-11-08 This little tool is another example of [web scraping]. It allows one to create a tiny [URL] (http://tinyurl.com) from the command line. The `TinyURL` [proc] can also be used in other scripts for TinyURL creation. ====== package require http # - TinyURL # # Create a simple alias URL from a possibly long and complicated one # using the http://tinyurl.com service # # in: The URL to be made tiny # out: The tiny URL # proc TinyURL {url} { set query [::http::formatQuery url $url] set token [::http::geturl http://tinyurl.com/create.php -query $query] if {[::http::ncode $token] != 200} { return -code error [::http::data $token] } set RE {^$} if {![regexp -line $RE [::http::data $token] -> turl]} { return -code error \ "http://tinyurl.com has probably changed the output format." } ::http::cleanup $token return $turl } if {$argc != 1} { puts "usage: [info script] url" exit 1 } puts [TinyURL [lindex $argv 0]] ====== ---- [MG] The output format does indeed seem to have changed since this was written - replacing the [regexp] line with ====== set RE {
(.+?)} ====== seems to get it going again now. (Though, the comments in the HTML code ask you not to web scrape, and to contact them about their API instead - I just emailed, will try and comment here again when I hear back, hopefully it'll be something that can be done simply in Tcl like the above.) [AF]: I added an example for using bit.ly to the tcllib rest module [http://tcllib.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tcllib/tcllib/modules/rest/bitly?revision=1.1] which may be a good alternative <> Application | Internet