An idea has long festered at the back of my mind that I might write a window manager in a scripting language. Since I am learning TCL I thought that I should finally get around to it and have a go in my new favourite language. The code below is ''not ''(yet) that window manager. I decided that for v0.1, I should try (as a feasibility test) to implement the excellent|%tinywm%|% as a TCL program. Tinywm is an attempt to write a usable, if basic, window manager in 50 lines of C. There is more narrative needed but before boredom sets in I should probably show you some code. Keep reading further down... ====== # I got these from the wiki pages on combinatorial logic. # I was almost completely lost, but the possibility of an elegant # way of reading a file is appealing. proc prog1 {value args} {set value;} proc do2 {v f1 f2} {prog1 [$f1 $v] [$f2 $v];} proc slurp {f} {do2 [open $f] read close;} namespace eval X { variable s; variable screens; variable properties; variable ready 0; variable queue [list]; variable request-count 0; variable log-file; variable errors; variable sym-list; # Hard-coding these values in the code would be easier # (and possibly faster), but having them declared as variables is 'cleaner'... array set errors {1 Request 2 Value 3 Window 4 Pixmap 5 Atom 6 Cursor 7 Font 8 Match 9 Drawable 10 Access 11 Alloc 12 Colourmap 13 GContext 14 IDChoice 15 Name 16 Length 17 Implementation}; array set keysyms [list F1 [expr 0xffbe]]; variable synchronous 0; variable asynchronous 1; array set mods {shift 1 lock 2 control 4 mod1 8 mod2 16 mod3 32 mod4 64 mod5 128 button1 256 button2 512 button3 1024 button4 2048 button5 4096} array set event-masks {key-press 1 key-release 2 button-press 4 button-release 8 pointer-motion 64} # ... and finally - some actual code... proc dump s { log " $s : [uplevel "set $s"]"; } proc log s { variable log-file; puts $s; puts ${log-file} $s; } # Pads s with enough null bytes to reach a length divisible by 4. proc pad4 s { upvar $s _s; set a [expr {4-([string length $_s]%4)}]; if {$a!=4} {set _s $_s[binary format x$a];} } # Lazy but semi-valid way of authenticating. # An alternative solution would be to parse the authority file by hand # but this is fine. proc connect {{display ""}} { variable s; variable screens; variable properties; variable log-file; set log-file [open ~/.x11-log w+]; chan configure ${log-file} -buffering none; if {$display==""} {set display $::env(DISPLAY);} # Parse display. lassign [split $display :] host temp; lassign [split $temp .] display-no screen; unset temp; set s [socket localhost [expr {6000+${display-no}}]]; fconfigure $s -buffering none -blocking 0 -translation binary; set auth [slurp "| xauth list $display"]; set connected 0; foreach {discard auth-proto auth-data} $auth { set auth-data [binary decode hex ${auth-data}] log "Trying ${auth-proto}->[lindex $auth 2]"; set proto-len [string length ${auth-proto}]; set data-len [string length ${auth-data}]; pad4 auth-proto; pad4 auth-data; # 66 = B = MSB first. 108 = l = LSB first. # Realistically, protocol will always be 'MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 which is always of # length 18 and the data length will always be 16, but we might as well do things properly... set out [binary format cxSSSSx2a*a* 66 11 0 ${proto-len} ${data-len} ${auth-proto} ${auth-data}]; puts -nonewline $s $out; # flush $s; set start [clock milliseconds]; set waiting 1; while {$waiting} { set in [read $s 16384]; if {[string length $in]} {set waiting 0;} after 5 # If used over a real network I have no idea how long to wait for a suitable timeout. if {([clock milliseconds]-$start)>1000} {error "Connect timed out.";} } binary scan $in c code; switch $code { 0 {log "X connect failed: [string range $in 8 end]";} 2 {log "X needs more authentication (unsupported): [string range $in 8 end]"; return 0;} default {set connected 1; break;} } } if {!$connected} {return 0;} # Returned 1 - success... # Almost none of this information is useful at this point. But knowing the vendor length and number of formats # allows us to know the offset for the screen-list. binary scan $in cxSSSIIIISSccccccccx4 \ code major minor additional release res-base res-mask motion-size \ vendor-len max-request screen-count format-count image-order bmp-order bmp-unit bmp-pad min-key max-key; # This trick converts signed to unsigned. set min-key [expr {${min-key}&0xff}]; set max-key [expr {${max-key}&0xff}]; # Min/Max key values are useful later. I have no use for the max-request size but I might as well save it. set properties [list ${min-key} ${max-key} ${max-request}]; if {${vendor-len}%4} {incr vendor-len [expr {4-(${vendor-len}%4)}];} set screen-start [expr {40+${vendor-len}+(8*${format-count})}]; set _screens [split-buffer [string range $in ${screen-start} [expr {${screen-start}-1+(40*${screen-count})}]] 40]; foreach scr $_screens { binary scan $scr IIIIISS root colourmap whitep blackp current-masks width height; lappend screens [list $root $width $height]; } log "Connected to [string range $in 40 40+${vendor-len}] on root [lindex $screens 0 0]"; fileevent $s readable X::socket-readable; return 1; } proc socket-readable "" { receive; } proc send-request buffer { variable request-count; variable s; incr request-count; set reqno ${request-count}; if {${request-count}>65535} {set request-count 1; } # log "SENDING [binary encode hex $buffer] ${request-count}"; puts -nonewline $s $buffer; return $reqno; } # Just return the first item popped off of the queue. proc get-next-item "" { variable queue; set ret [lindex $queue 0]; # TBD - might be a use for a K-trick here...? if {$ret!=""} { set queue [lreplace $queue 0 0]; } return $ret; } # return (and remove from queue) the next item for the given sequence no. proc get-next-seq-item {seq {include-events 0}} { variable queue; set n 0; set found 0; foreach i $queue { if {([lindex $i 1]==$seq)} { switch [lindex $i 0] { ERROR - REPLY {set found 1; break;} EVENT {if {${include-events} {set found 1; break;}}} } } incr n; } if {$found} { set queue [lreplace $queue $n $n]; return $i; } return ""; } # The next few procedures are simply so that I can pass the correct keycode to grab-key. Since in the # prototype there is only one key used (F1) it would be so much simpler to just use # e.g: 'xmodmap -pk|grep F1' and hard-code the keycode (67) - but this is a useful exercise... proc get-keymap "" { variable properties; variable sym-list; # properties 0 and 1 are the min/max keys reported by the server. lassign $properties min-key max-key; set seq [send-request [binary format cxSccx2 101 2 ${min-key} [expr {1+${max-key}-${min-key}}]]]; receive; lassign [get-next-seq-item $seq] type seq buffer; if {$type!=""} { # We have a reply... switch $type { REPLY { binary scan $buffer xcSI syms-per-code seq2 sym-count; set _syms [lmap x [split-buffer [string range $buffer 32 end] 4] {binary scan $x I item; set item;}]; # We now have a sequential list of (hundreds) of keysyms. Need to coalesce them into a list of lists. set _syms2 [chop-list $_syms ${syms-per-code}]; # We now have the correct list, but it is offset by min-keycode positions. set sym-list [concat [lrepeat ${min-key} {} ] $_syms2]; } ERROR { log "ERROR: {[parse-error $buffer]}"; exit; } } } } # Did try to do this with lsearch but could not get that working... proc find-keysym s { variable sym-list; set i 0; foreach f ${sym-list} { if {$s in $f} { return $i; } incr i; } } # Break a list into a list of smaller lists each of size n. # e.g: chop-list {1 2 3 4 5 6} 3 -> {{1 2 3} {4 5 6}} proc chop-list {list n} { set ret [list]; set start 0; set end [llength $list]; set inc [expr {$n-1}]; while {$start<$end} { lappend ret [lrange $list $start $start+$inc]; incr start $n; } return $ret; } # Split an X11 'list' (e.g: contiguous buffer of repeated fixed-sized items) into a tcl list. proc split-buffer {buffer size} { set start 0; set end [string length $buffer]; set list [list]; set inc [expr {$size-1}]; while {$start<$end} { lappend list [string range $buffer $start $start+$inc]; incr start $size; } return $list; } proc grab-key {key mode {win ""}} { if {$win==""} { variable screens; set win [lindex $screens 0 0]; } # TBD - more params here, mask, sync modes etc... send-request [binary format ccSIScccx3 33 1 4 $win $mode $key 1 1]; } # configure-window is so general that I've chosen to have several separate progs # to handle the various semantics: move,resize,move+resize,restack,set-border etc. proc move-window {window x y} { # 3 == set x and y send-request [binary format cxSISx2II 12 5 $window 3 $x $y]; } proc resize-window {window width height} { # 12 == set height and width send-request [binary format cxSISx2II 12 5 $window 12 $width $height]; } proc grab-button {button owner-events modifiers event-mask grab-win {cursor 0} {pointer-mode 1} {keyboard-mode 1} {confine-win 0}} { send-request [binary format ccSISccIIcxS 28 ${owner-events} 6 ${grab-win} ${event-mask} ${pointer-mode} ${keyboard-mode} ${confine-win} $cursor $button $modifiers]; } proc grab-pointer {owner-events event-mask grab-win {cursor 0} {pointer-mode 1} {keyboard-mode 1} {confine-win 0} {time 0}} { set seq [send-request [binary format ccSISccIII 26 ${owner-events} 6 ${grab-win} ${event-mask} ${pointer-mode} ${keyboard-mode} ${confine-win} $cursor $time]]; receive; lassign [get-next-seq-item $seq] type seq buffer; if {$type=="REPLY"} { # 'Processs' the reply... # binary scan $buffer xcS _status _seq ; # ... actually there is nothing to do with the reply - we are just glad not to have an error... } elseif {$type=="ERROR"} { log "ERROR: {[parse-error $buffer]}"; exit; } } proc ungrab-pointer "" {send-request [binary format cxSI 27 2 0];} proc parse-event buffer { # log "PARSE-EVENT [binary encode hex $buffer]"; binary scan $buffer ccS code detail seq; switch $code { default { binary scan $buffer ccSIIIISSSSScx code detail seq f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9; list $code $detail $seq $f0 $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 $f5 $f6 $f7 $f8 $f9; } } } proc parse-error buffer { variable errors; binary scan $buffer xcSISc code seq data minor major; list Code: $code ($errors($code)) Sequence: $seq Data: $data Minor: $minor Major: $major; } # Mode 0 = raiselowest, 1 = lowerhighest. proc circulate-win {mode window} { send-request [binary format ccSI 13 $mode 2 $window];} # Read the data pending. # Parse any errors and place on errors list. # Parse any events and place on events list. # Handle any reponse. # This bad, synchronous model should ensure only one response at a time. proc receive {{timeout 100}} { variable s; variable errors; variable queue; variable ready 0; set ret ""; set start [clock milliseconds]; set waiting 1; while {$waiting} { set in [read $s 16384]; if {[string length $in]} { set waiting 0; } else { if {([clock milliseconds]-$start)>$timeout} {set $waiting 0;} } after 5; } while {[string length $in]} { binary scan $in c code; switch $code { 0 { binary scan $in xcS code sequence; lappend queue [list ERROR $sequence [string range $in 0 31]]; log "ERROR:[pretty-print-queue-item [lindex $queue end]]\n[parse-error [lindex $queue end 2]]"; set in [string range $in 32 end]; } 1 { binary scan $in x2SI sequence reply-len; log "REPLY: seq $sequence\nlength ${reply-len}(x4!)=[expr ${reply-len}*4](+32 :) )" lappend queue [list REPLY $sequence [string range $in 0 [expr {(${reply-len}*4)+31}]]]; set in [string range $in [expr {${reply-len}*4}] end]; } default { binary scan $in x2S sequence; lappend queue [list EVENT $sequence [string range $in 0 31]]; log "EVENT:[pretty-print-queue-item [lindex $queue end]]"; set in [string range $in 32 end]; } } set in [read $s 16384]; } set ready 1; } # Only for debug logging... proc pretty-print-queue-item s { return "<[lrange $s 0 1] [binary encode hex [lindex $s 2]]>"; } proc get-geometry w { set seq [send-request [binary format cxSI 14 2 $w]]; receive; lassign [get-next-seq-item $seq] type seq buffer; if {$type=="REPLY"} { binary scan $buffer xcSx4ISSSSS depth seq root x y width height border-width; return [list $depth $seq $root $x $y $width $height ${border-width}]; } elseif {$type=="ERROR"} { log "ERROR: {[parse-error [lindex $reply 2]]}"; } } } # End X # All that was X11 handling. Now we can write the WM itself. proc window-manager "" { if {![X::connect]} {exit 1;} initialise; set F1-sym [X::find-keysym $X::keysyms(F1)]; while 1 { lassign [X::get-next-item] type seq buffer; while {$type==""} { set X::ready 0; vwait X::ready; lassign [X::get-next-item] type seq buffer; } set b [X::parse-event $buffer]; # I tried using variables for the switch values, but to no avail... switch [lindex $b 0] { 4 { # Button Press lassign $b discard detail seq time root event child root-x root-y event-x event-y state same-screen; X::grab-pointer 1 [expr {${X::event-masks(pointer-motion)}|${X::event-masks(button-release)}}] [lindex $X::screens 0 0]; # set drag-info [list $detail $child {*}[lrange [X::get-geometry $child] 3 6] ${root-x} ${root-y}]; set drag-info [concat $detail $child [lrange [X::get-geometry $child] 3 6] ${root-x} ${root-y}]; # We will also need the offset of the click within the window. Rather # than calculate it for each MotionNotify, just calculate it once here. lappend drag-info [expr {${root-x}-[lindex ${drag-info} 2]}]; lappend drag-info [expr {${root-y}-[lindex ${drag-info} 3]}]; X::dump drag-info; } 5 { # Cancel the pointer grab. # X::log "RELEASE!"; X::ungrab-pointer; } 6 { # Motion Notify lassign $b discard detail seq time root event child root-x root-y event-x event-y state same-screen; lassign ${drag-info} button window grab-x grab-y grab-width grab-height initial-x initial-y offset-x offset-y; # X::log "MOTION $detail $root $event $child ${root-x} ${root-y} ${event-x} ${event-y} "; if {$button==1} { # Button 1 - drag. X::move-window $window [expr {${root-x}-${offset-x}}] [expr {${root-y}-${offset-y}}]; } elseif {$button==3} { # Button 3 - resize. X::resize-window $window [expr {(${root-x}-${initial-x})+${grab-width}}] [expr {${root-y}-${initial-y}+${grab-height}}]; } } 2 { # The only key that we grabbed was F1 with modifier 'alt' - but check anyway... if {([lindex $b 1]==${F1-sym})&&([lindex $b 11]==$X::mods(mod1))} { # Alt-F1 # Strictly speaking; tinywm.c used XRaiseWindow, this is more in line with # which circulates windows. X::circulate-win 0 [lindex $X::screens 0 0]; } } default { X::log "WM:OTHER [X::pretty-print-queue-item [list $type $seq $buffer]]"; if {$type=="ERROR"} {X::log "ERROR: [X::parse-error $buffer]";exit;} } } } } proc initialise "" { variable s; X::log " Inintialising."; set root [lindex $X::screens 0 0]; X::get-keymap; X::log "Grab key."; X::grab-key [X::find-keysym $X::keysyms(F1)] $X::mods(mod1); X::log "Grab button presses"; X::grab-button 1 0 $X::mods(mod1) ${X::event-masks(button-press)} $root; X::grab-button 3 0 $X::mods(mod1) ${X::event-masks(button-press)} $root; } # Go! window-manager; ====== Before any flames and derision pour in I should offer a few disclaimers: * This is my first TCL program of any sensible length and my first ever exposure to the X11 protocol, so I fear that I may have made hideous mistakes with either or both technologies. In particular I am aware that: ** A major reason for the move from xlib to xcb in the C world is to encourage asynchronous X11 processing rather than synchronous; however I can not see how to write this sensibly in an asynchronous manner. If I send a message which needs a reply it is because I want that reply '''now''' not in a few milliseconds time. ** Logging was done in the manner familiar to me from other languages. I hindsight I should have used trace. ** My mind is telling me that there really should be a co-routine in there somewhere. * There is at least one as yet unresolved bug (button release events sometimes get lost). * This is a rough-and-ready, hacked prototype. The finished version will (I hope) be a little cleaner... The feasibility test was desirable for me to check two things: 1. Is TCL equipped for writing a window manager? (I was pretty sure that it was and I am glad to see that it is). 1. Can I write a window manager? (I was far less hopeful about that one - but it seems to be going well so far). Now that the feasibility is complete, I will set about refactoring and adding the functionality that I actually want. I will post progress here if anyone in interested. I hope this is of interest to someone. <>Unix