'''Fun and games with Tkhtml 3.0''' Tkhtml 3.0 is a new html rendering widget for Tk. It is a rewrite of the existing Tkhtml widget (2.0) that is included with ActiveTcl and other batteries included distributions. This page is an informal description of the new widget that aims to showcase the capabilities and design of the new widget and stimulate discussion without getting bogged down in details. So instead of explaining interfaces there are just code fragments. ''Please'' leap in to ask questions, make suggestions or heap ridicule. The full widget API reference can be found online here: http://tkhtml.tcl.tk/tkhtml.html . ---- '''Introduction''' By itself Tkhtml 3.0 doesn't provide much of the functionality that embedding a web browser would. Tkhtml has no idea that there is anything special about an tag, let alone the "href" attribute, so clicking on a hyper-link does nothing by default. Without extra configuration, Tkhtml doesn't understand the significance of a